General Discussion

General DiscussionCan i get some advice about MMR celebration

Can i get some advice about MMR celebration in General Discussion

    Alright i have read alot of threads about this but still i dont get it i do have good cs good k/d avg and still it says am in normal skill , am not saying am a good player i think am decent . so what is its secret to get a highskill and above and pls dont tell me u need to play as a 3k-4k to get a 3k or4k any thoughts?


      you answered it yourself, there's literally NOTHING except having the skill to play HS/VHS player.

      forcing good KDA, CS, WR, GPM won't help.

      get your main to 4k solo ranked and you'll easily get your smurfs there too.

      the reason higher mmr players have souch high KDA, CS, WR, GPM etc. on their smurfs is because that's a byproduct of them playing good, like really good. since you can only calibrate up to 4999 mmr, higher mmr players when smurfing get placed against 3-4ks and have insane impact in those games just because those games are very easy for them(example me).


        Do anything that wins games.

        Games are won by taking towers and especially rax.

        You can take them with 5 man push and support the 5 man by playing heroes that encourage teamfights, building mech, pipe, vlads.

        You can take towers by ganking, picking off enemy heroes so they can't defend. Play a hero that will get pick-offs. Make the enemy unable to defend.

        You can take towers by split pushing. Get a hero that easily clears waves of creeps and build it to escape easily. Do damage whenever you can to towers and hide or escape before the enemy can stop you.

        You can take towers by farming up powerful right click dps and then late game just walk up and kill the tower so fast they can't stop you. Use bkb to kill in 5 seconds and back up. Or get agies and use your first life to kill the tower. Then use bkb to fight after.

        Doing these things better than other players is what puts you in HS and VHS games. About 75% of dota is NS games. So you can be significantly above average and still stay in NS permanently. It's called Normal because that is where most everyone plays. If you want to do more you have to be outstanding.

        If you think your games are easy and you believe you could play at much higher MMR, then take more risks. Make plays. Turn the game around when you are losing.


          You need to celebrate which mmr you planning to get then play the 10 calibration games


            I'm garbage player like u. But I can get to hs just by farming. Hey op ur farm could be better.


              I would recommend this classic Colin The Caterpillar cake to celebrate your MMR :


                Epic meme