Mirana is a broken buffed hero
Shadow fiend is dogshit just like nerfed invoker.
Slark is still good OD is nerfed back to the stone age.
Underlord can be anything sup/jungle/carry but he breaks the game for sure.
Safelane carry void/slark/ursa/drow is good
1. http://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/meta
2. a little bit, scepter doesn't have a 2nd star
3. pos 3-4
4. yes, no. http://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/meta
5. http://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/meta
Cookie, what you meant exactly when you said it has no 2nd star again? Does it means that once she lands an initial starfall next one will be just a regular one?
Thanks for answer.
1. Most people are playing Tinker/Invoker/Storm/Mirana, or just playing melee carries like Jugg mid.
2. She got a nerf to her aghs, only does 1 fall on the bonus starfall if that makes sense. so first one does double, then second does one.
3. Underlord is acknowledged to be quite strong, often played offlane. sometimes carry or support.
4. Slark is pretty much as strong as ever, OD isn't played much at all anymore. Standard carries haven't changed too much, Jugg/Sven is still strong, PA is in an ok place. Morphling is fairly popular, Drow still being picked a decent amount. Mid heroes are the ones above.
5. Underlord can fill either of those roles, Shadow Demon got a nerfed a bit, but still a good support. Faceless Void still very popular in the offlane. Only other thing would be a support Kunkka is fairly common to see now.
Hope this helps!
@IAMTHEGAME, thanks, it does. Just a few more questions:
What's usual Kunkka support build/skillbuild?
How do you play Underlord as an carry or mid? What items do you go?
Jugg mid? Interesting. :-o What's the skill build for jugg-mid? Good to know Sven is still an option, btw.
How do you play Storm nowdays?
People usually max their x marks and torrent, and the ghost ship helps reduce damage to allies in teamfights. They get arcane into greaves usually, occassionly armlet if they get greedy.
Doing carry or mid Underlord there doesn't seem to be a rigid item build, but you usually want a blink, and echo sabre/battlefury is picked up a fair amount.
Jugg mid will usually get some speed items like phase/yasha, sometimes drums and looks to run people down for omnislash kills early with the experience advantage, also maxing spin to combo damage. Sometimes they get a shadowblade to help get pickoffs like a mid tiny would.
Storm is pretty much the same, still gets bloodstone and orchid usually, now you can get bloodthorn too which helps. Often does well paired with drow for some scary right click
@ Help, that's a good question.
But spaming one hero doesn't make you a great player.
Nither making smurfs, btw. :)
1. What's good mid heroes for this patch? Is Shadow Fiend decent?
same as latch patch, injoker, timber, mirana, qop is comming back.
2. Did Mirana get nerfed or I'm missing something?
buffed, the aghs was nerfed a little, but still is a lot of dmg
3. What about Underlord? How is he fitting atm? What's his role?
4. Is Slark decent? OD? What's go-to safelane carry and mid-heroes?
slark/sven/void are the biggest carrys in pubs, od was nerfed his early game is worst than never
5. What about offlaners and supports?
supports are almost the same, offlaners now buy iron talon to jungle and get more money
@ Hook, thanks
If someone has time to take a look at my last Sven game and tell me what could I've done better, I'd appriciate the effort.
Thank you guys.
I would spec warcry before stats, that armor is no joke, but it looks like your other lanes just lost period. Your farm was fine, unfortunately your team doesn't have enough lockdown to handle a morph, weaver and storm on one team. Timber sucks vs all those heroes and you're desperately counting on lc to get pickoffs there. And you're the only one who built a bkb vs a storm and shotgun morph, not good.
I think you could have used some Crits instead of SnY. SnY gives more movement speed and attack speed, but you already get those things from your Warcry (which you can use to move between camps quicker), and you went with an Echo Sabre.
When you get that Echo Sabre, you can worry less about attack speed, and more about the pain of the 2 hits in a row. If you crit, team fights probably would have went a little easier.
SnY gives you more than just attack speed and movement speed in my opinion. And it's great item overall to have on Sven, even if you have an Echo Sabre.
Crit is good, but I felt like I need to be more tenky + faster + a bit more armor.
Warcry before cleave, especially if your lane is hard, never buy stats on sven, is better o build dmg, the only thing i think you missed was a deadalus for the s/y
So last 2 months or so I've been busy doing some other stuffs in life, and now I got finally time to spare on Dota again.
I droped from 4.3k to 3.7k and yesterday, I played my first solo ranked game after 2 months. It felt good but I feel lost.
So I hava a few questions for you guys to answer(if that's okay);
1. What's good mid heroes for this patch? Is Shadow Fiend decent?
2. Did Mirana get nerfed or I'm missing something?
3. What about Underlord? How is he fitting atm? What's his role?
4. Is Slark decent? OD? What's go-to safelane carry and mid-heroes?
5. What about offlaners and supports?
I just need some basic answers so I can catch up. Thanks.