General Discussion

General DiscussionAbyssal Blade Vs Scythe of Vyse??

Abyssal Blade Vs Scythe of Vyse?? in General Discussion

    Which is better


    Preap Sovath

      Abyssal Blade is better anyway.

      - Penetrate BKB
      - Bash


        So short range tho.

        Preap Sovath

          It's has more chance for melee. But if someone lucky, he may be disable enemy more than Vyse do. Because hex and stun isn't different much.


            Get both.


              Stupid question, it completely depends on the hero.


                Scythe- If you consume a lot of mana
                Abyssal- If you consume a lot of HP

                You wouldn't get scythe on Huskar, you wouldn't get Abyssal on Storm


                  Vyse on Int heroes, Abbysal on melee carries.

                  casual gamer

                    scythe provide more for team and abyssal more for u (as many carry)

                    scythe disable is more effective for many heros like swm and most ranged int/agi. longer duration and big range esp. with blink or aether

                    in very rare lategame situation abyssal can allow ranged carry to manfight enemy melee carry


                      Vyse lets you disable someone for longer (3.5 seconds) and it lets you do so from a distance, but its not very useful on a carry since it doesn't provide very good stats for its price since it mostly just gives mana and mana regen. Therefore Vyse is best on heroes that don't want to be close to the enemy and preferably on nukers or heroes that don't do physical right click damage. Therefore its good on heroes like Storm, OD, Silencer, Timbersaw, etc. Its biggest weakness is that it doesn't go through BKB.
                      Abyssal has a very short range and doesn't disable for as long as Scythe (2 Seconds) but it does go through BKB. Its best on Melee right click carries and heroes that want to be very close to the enemy. Its usually only built on heroes that would get a basher anyway. Its for heroes like PA, Ursa, Anti-Mage and even Huskar. (Huskar normally doesn't build it because he benefits very little from the passives as a ranged hero, but if he really wants to disable someone then Abyssal is better since it goes through BKB and hes going to be close to them anyway.

                      It also depends who you're buying the item to disable. For example you would get abyssal vs a Sven since you'll probably need to stun him during his BKB time. You would get Scythe vs a Storm since its difficult to get close to him and you want to disable him for as long as possible so he doesn't zip away before you kill him.



                        you can't compare 2 items, you need a hero and/or a situation.

                        if you example compare a dagger to shadow blade example, one actually gives you stats so the shadowblade would be on everyone

                        but it isn't, that would only be true if all heroes had no spells.

                        same with sythe, on paper it gives more if your hero had no spells that is.


                          There is something I don't understand: I thought that Crimson Guard will cease to exist after introduction of new Abyssal Blade parts, but players still build it on heroes like Axe or Bristle. This doesn't make any sense for me...

                          casual gamer

                            axe bristle use cg active better n dnt need the abyssal stuff. ditto with pitlord and all ranged heroes that use cg


                              ^How is it possible that someone doesn't need 2 seconds stun plus a 25% chance to stun for 1.4 seconds on autoattack?

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                Hmm, I don't know, maybe because it costs 4200 extra gold and hardly gives Axe anything other than the active? While you can get Crimson Guard for just 1000 something extra and it will do good work for your entire team. Crimson Guard is not an every game item anyway.


                                  Lmao Lmao
                                  Lmao Lmao
                                  Lmao Lmao

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    those items are like pimped up versions of null talisman and bracers


                                      Scythe of vyse cuz ursa and abaddon cant press R to drop the debuff


                                        if ursa has aghanim he should be able to enrage even while disabled into pig.right?


                                          i think he can't coz of the silence effect of hex


                                            Please change your name,it hurts master coco kunka feeling's.


                                              Scythe Hexes a Unit. Hexed units cannot cast spells or use items. This means it counters Morphling, Abaddon and Ursa, who each can normally use Morph/Borrowed Time/Enrage(with Aghs) while stunned. So scythe is far better than abyssal against those heroes.