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General DiscussionHELP PLS DOTA NERDS - computer problem - gonna ask here for last chan...

HELP PLS DOTA NERDS - computer problem - gonna ask here for last chance before i bring pc in to shop in General Discussion

    ok so here's the STORY

    -!- PC crashes (completely POWERS OFF - NO BSOD, nothing) then restarts on its own in a few seconds.

    1) I've monitored heat levels, they do get high, but nothing critically high that should cause a crash like this.

    2) I thought it was only dota as 99% of crashes are in dota, but I had it crash the same way during S.T.A.L.K.E.R. as well... I guess just a coincidence since I basically only play dota. (But other games I've played a lot recently like Total War shogun 2 or rome 2 DOES NOT CRASH)

    3) I've done some stress tests on GPU+CPU running them at 100% and no crash there. (Also did a 100% RAM allocation as well as a memtest both resulting in no problems)

    4) I've re-applied thermal paste on CPU (it was kinda dried out and non existent) as well as cleaning the radiator thing and fans and what not.

    5) I played a game of AM on smurf acc, and noticed I crashed the exact fucking PRECISE MOMENT I used mana-void. (this happened twice) So I'm starting to think this is a GPU/Graphics problem. And the other 20 odd times I've crashed I'd say 95% of them are right as a teamfight starts and spells start going off. Often I'll blink, use a spell, and crash the second my spell is casted.

    6) Following on that I tried a bot game after with minimum graphics and game crashed right at the end when throne died.

    7) Also my GPU drivers are all up to date, it's about 2 days old now.

    8) My power supply is 1000W, so unless it is breaking or something, there is definitely enough power for the PC.

    do any of u dota 4heads know what to do.


    i haven't palyed in almost 3 weeks I'm going to LOSE MY MIND i need my dota fix.


      play with air conditioner ON dude


        i mean im not hot or anything it's room temperature.

        i have a portable AC unit thing beside me but if i turn it on it gets too cold quickly.


          It's GPU or motherboard. I guess, you'll have to replace one of those two.


            my mobo is pretty good (but old... 4 years..?), (p67 sabretooth) so i guess unless it's crapping out it should be ok?

            and my gpu is relatively new 970 (~9 months?) again i guess it can be crapping out but this is pretty new.


              Days when you could fix your technics with soldering-iron are long gone. Now you can only accept that one of microchips malfunctioning (probably, you'll never know which one) and replace the whole board.

              P.S. If you have internal GPU chip on your motherboard, you can disable your external GPU. This will tell you where is the problem.


                well i guess hopefully it's the gPU so I can just get a new one under warranty or something.


                  If you stress tested the GPU and CPU then in theory shouldn't be either.

                  If the CPU is failing the PC just wont turn on.

                  The GPU can still be faulty even if the stress test did fine, sometimes games can be more stressful for it, shit like the Ancient dying fucks everything up in terms of graphics.

                  It could be the OS or the mobo, or the PSU IMO.

                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                    dota more stressful than stresstest SeemsGood


                      would reformatting PC/reinstalling OS be worth the effort or should i just go to shop.

                      their diagnostics is $45



                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          $45 SeemsGood


                            I mean rformatting is literally free and takes like an hour of your time. But there are chances that won't be the case so just take it to the shop honestly.


                                unless im doing something terribly wrong reformatting takes forever because i have to update windows all over again which takes fucking forever.

                                i have a torrented copy though maybe a legit one downloads the updates faster or something IDK

                                also i didn't mention but yea i already reinstalled dota

                                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                  u could actually just buy a cheap ass motherboard for 20€ and see wether it works or not, better than going to a shop


                                    Prabobly the sensor got broken by too high heat so it now turns system off at some silly heat level.


                                        uh ~120 on ultra

                                        but i'm using low settings for now until im fixed

                                        mobo: sabretooth p67
                                        gpu: nvidia gtx 970
                                        cp: intel i7 2600k


                                          Which version of Windows are you using? I know that windows 10 released their Anniversary update a short while ago and that caused a lot of driver compatibility problems. I updates windows but forgot to update my graphics card drivers and the computer just started crashing in Dota. Once I updated the graphics card drivers it worked fine.
                                          I know you said that your Drivers are up to date, but if you updated the drivers and DIDN'T update windows then it may also cause compatibility issues and might result in crashes. Overall it does sound like something related to graphics.


                                            windows 7


                                              Double check that your current drivers are meant for the version of windows 7 that you're using. They probably will be but its possible that the wrong driver was installed. If you remember exactly when the problem started you could try reverting to the drivers you were using before that.


                                                To diagnose it, just check Event Viewer (in Computer Management).
                                                Find the time that the computer crashed, and look at the error. There will be something as to hint of what your problem could be. You can just Google the Error you find (careful, you will see a whole bunch of warnings and errors, just ignore those, you are looking for an error on the EXACT time your PC crashed).

                                                Go from there.

                                                Personally, I would run Prime95. That program tests the memory and processor. If it passes, then it is probably something to do with your video card / onboard graphics.


                                                  It could be a HDD problem aswelll or RAM.... remove everything and replace it 1 by 1 ... start with no dvd rom and no gpu and only 1 ram chip work from there

                                                  Vem Comigo

                                                    probably Hard Disc, every time some big particle pops up your hard disc cant read fast enough, or it doent put all on the memory

                                                    Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                      its probably ur keyboard or ur mouse, because when u click r/use ur mouse button to confirm the ult there is too much data sent so the pc crashes


                                                        Error 41 but that doesn't help it just means unexpected shutdown or something.

                                                        There isn't a proper log because the pc powers off before it can log Anything


                                                          marlan boy , Download DDU ( Driver Display Unistaller) run ur pc in safe mode and do the thing the program prompts you and clean up all driver stuff,
                                                          then remove and clean ur Graphics card , after this relog windows and Defrag your HDD ( dont defrag if u have an SSD),
                                                          do a checkup on startup progs or unistall recently installed shit, also post ur pc specs please


                                                            ^ ill try that later im about to go to work.

                                                            btw i've noticed i crash a LOT with antimage, whenever i mana void.

                                                            i've played like 8 games with CM/Alch/Riki and didn't crash once.

                                                            so idk i think some spells in the game might trigger it maybe.


                                                              I bet that you work as a magician.


                                                                oh and also it may help to verify cache of game or unistall and reinstall it from scratch


                                                                  yea i did that already with dota.


                                                                    good , proceed with the stuff i told u and tell us how it goes


                                                                      pc specs:

                                                                      gtx 970 - gpu
                                                                      p67 sabretooth - motherboard
                                                                      intel i7 2600k - cpu
                                                                      some antec 1000w psup

                                                                      ill try that when i get home but i dont think it'll do much i always clean install my drivers when i update my video card drivers.


                                                                        go do that with ddu unistaller and post back something seems corupted on antifuckingmage


                                                                          It's probably a power supply. It's dying or maybe it's mosfets on motheboard(which is weird since it's a good p67 mb)