General Discussion

General Discussionhave u ever ran down mid, fed 7 kills and 5 wards and then realize th...

have u ever ran down mid, fed 7 kills and 5 wards and then realize their mid is so fucking bad he doesn't deserve to win and then you go win instead. in General Discussion


    (playing on smurf cuz my PC is broken and i dont wanna lose on main)

    casual gamer

      nice alch build ?


        same situation but for a different reason
        i just want the game to end and hes so bad that its faster to just win normally than feed him a win


          I did
          1-22 or more death with nature prophet but the game became so boring, so i just sprout randomly and win lol




              i won't lie a couple years back i actually did this...

              King of Low Prio

                I've done it and I gave them tips on where my team was farming and they still fucked up so hard I couldn't get them to win


                  It's true. There are games you can't lose no matter what you do. I've seen people keep feeding and mass courier feeding the whole game and still win anyway.


                    The player you feed will yield huge bounty if he sucks and get killed. So tactical feeding can be real.


                      Haha shame on you I either afk farm to win or gets ganked 24/7 and lose


                        one time i was stacked with 3 other irl friends ( 2 of them 3.8k mmr me 2.4 & the last one 1.5k ) so naturally one of the 3.8k guy goes mid but we got a 5th pudge in the team & he wanted mid so bad , we kindly told him to fuck off & go other lane but he didn't agree & fed 44 kills , yes u heard it right fourty fucking four kills & we were still dominating the game ( i remmeber i was playing ursa, its actually pretty good sometimes enemies r so focused on killing him when hes running to them that u can catch them out of position with blink & rekt them ) so he just gave up & played for the win & we won LUL ( he even flamed other team for being so bad & not winning )

                        yes we still reported him )))))))

                        edit : btw back to topic , anyone who does this to his team doesn't matter what shit happened between them deserves to die irl in my book , u're a fucking shit , either play to win or don't play at all. i will never feed intentionally ever, also ppl who tell enemy team where their team mates r are fucking shitstains , one day with ursa i was roshing & the fgt gave away my position thankfully i still got aegis & killed them then reported the fgt


                          i was playing alchemist jungle.

                          we didn't have a courier.

                          go try alchemist jungle without a courier. it doesn't work. it's very dependent on getting your items on time because alchemist jungle is actually very hard until you get level 6.

                          and it's not like i can just go snipe another lane.


                            I had intentional feeder mid and I was so good to win the game regardless. That's not exactly your scenario, but the guy was feeding his friend and I carried the shit out of that game.


                              It's one of those scenarios where they become complacent while the 4 people in the feeders team are forced to be a lot more coordinated. Sometimes this extra coordination > 5 man uncoordinated cluster fk. Seen it happen way too many times. It's the same with an early lead. U start playing careless and the opponent defensive and coordinated plays actually destroy you