General Discussion

General DiscussionNot Dying

Not Dying in General Discussion

    That is my problem not dying... in my most recent game I played like trash and died over 13 times as a carry slark, how do I focus on not dying as I always manage to find a way to do so.
    Any tips are appreciated


      couldn't you just say you died 15 times?

      anyways, look it's hard to explain how to not die. most people would say play to your limit, but don't cross it.

      but it's very hard to understand a hero's limit

      so no way anyone could explain it over a forum post.


        Play unfair bot until you can win a match
        Unless you're an autistic egoistic childlish person who can only blame everything and everyone,you'll find what have you done wrong and sooner or later you'll start playing better


          Power spikes
          Look at the enemy heros, learn the timings and power spikes....
          An enemy LC spikes at around 7-10mins, you can expect a blink or shadowblade at these times, so play cautiously.

          Once you get your shadowblade or blink on slark, that is your timing to Power spike, where you become incredibly strong.

          A timbersaw lvl 6 with arc's has a power spike, so play cautiously.
          A lvl 1 timber does fuckall, so hit him.

          bane hits a lvl 6 power spike, so play cautiously..

          Anti mage has quite minimal impact with just a battlefury, however
          Antimage Hits a hugeeeeee power spike with manta, shut him down before he completes it.

          But yeah, just think 'What hero can kill me at X time' 'if i was playing X hero, what would i be doing *farming, ganking me, pushing towers* If you came to the conclusion that they are ganking you, then get back and tp to somewhere safer.

          There is merit to playing greedy and farming when you shouldn't be eg. Farming a lane with bane/LC missing. however if they are snowballing, the basics are.

          Dodge fights untill you hit a power spike, theres no use sitting behind a T1 or T2 if you can't defend it, with just your claymore. use that time to farm the jungle/split push to complete your shadowblade.

          In significantly harder games, where the enemy team snowballs every tower, its not uncommon for pro players to dodge fights untill highground defences, or untill they pick up that crutial mekanism, pipe, blink dagger, bkb etc.

          I find alot of lower mmr players like to sit behind a tower thats dying, to either get caught out, or just waste time... Let them have it, and fight when you can


            Did those things and I've surpassed alot of my IRL friends' skills in short amount of time,although I still have alot to learn :D


              Keep feeding until you get low prio.
              Get out of low prio and keep feeding go to low prio again this is your life now
