General Discussion

General DiscussionPA Mid, strong or incredibly situational?

PA Mid, strong or incredibly situational? in General Discussion

    So, recently I just havent been happy with the mid play/impact of my mid players, as a safelaner. And in high 3k-low 4k, safelane is by far the least safe of the lanes it seems. (Abundance of junglers, enemy team realizing they can shut down HCs early without really my team reacting to ganks/aggro lanes with equal effectiveness.) All that is expected in this MMR, but I was wondering how you all feel about the QO mid build on PA, and how effective she can be. I dont feel like theres a lot of strong midlaners in my bracket, as most take more skill than people have in this skill bracket. So I was going to take one of my more winning heroes (look at my recent games with PA, not my overall win%) and take her mid and try to climb into mid 4ks with it. Effective? Worth? Super situational?


      Pretty effective against most matchups because you have an escape and a low cooldown harassing/last hitting skill. This video might help explain more.


        In my opinion that pa mid doesn't have opponent, you literally cant lose mid couse daggers gave you farm even in worst match ups....but the question is.Would be better on safelane? Is her really good for mid role heroes/i mean utility heroes are maybe better for your team etc, she is definitely super strong mid in pub, im so suprise i dont see her there every game


          situational. gets dumped on by timber, ta, alch, etc


            shes also really susceptible to getting bullied hard and doesnt have a comeback mechanism later on. she cant flashfarm, she cant effectively jungle without basic items and its not super fast without vladamirs and so on. if the lane goes poorly, shes useless for the rest of the game


              Ive literally examined that exact video 10 times Stickman, but thanks for the recommend. :)

              Im aware she can get ganked and possibly bullied, but shes never unable to farm the lane with dagger so she's still able to get moderate farm even in the worst lane. And if the other team is dedicating enough to keep you out of the lane, then your other lanes including your HCs will be going very well. I think as long as you dont need a hero who can splitpush (ember/morph) mid, then I think she fills the role of early team fighter well. An early vanguard/Echo saber, with maxed dagger, really helps win small skirmishes early on, and she def scales better than 99% of mids in longer than usual pub matches.


                I agree with the TA/Timber thing...tho Timber can still get harrassed by dagger unless hes abusing his E with PMS. I dont agree with alch, especially with his low armor and a casual deso orb. And she doesnt need to flash farm anymore, just keep her in team fights and she'll stay relevant.


                  I just did the match up against an SF and came out probably worse off.


                  At 10 minutes in he had 61 cs to 44. I mean 44 is still okayish, but he also got a lot of denies (24 to my 3). Was impossible to try and deny after level 2 because he would be able to raze and get the CS and harass me if I stood near the creep wave, or could just right click me with nearly 100 damage right clicks after he got some souls built up. So standing back and csing with dagger was the only thing I could do.

                  I also went vanguard first though because of how the game turned out I ended up not being able to go deso, had to go for bkb first instead and by the time that was done going back for deso was a waste, plus I needed more hp so just went on to complete basher->abyssal. The big thing I noticed about this was that my farming speed was atrocious compared to going bottle, phase, aquila, battlefury. Ended with an average of about 3.4 cs per minute when normally you get double that (though again it was a pretty greedy line up with 4 farming cores). So if you go that build and don't snowball off of kills it really sets you up for a weak mid game.

                  I've also done it against a sniper and with the help of a riki killed him twice before 8 minutes, though got worser farm (only 35 hits and 7 denies though still beating the snipers miserable 24 and 8 denies by 10 minutes).


                  Also done it against an Invoker. Did pretty good with 47 cs to his 30 (10 denies to 10 denies). He might have just been bad though.

                  Also had it done against me as a Zeus, though she also had the help of a roaming/camping bounty hunter who would steal my runes and harass me etc. Neither of the two people who actually *randomed support rubick and support visage* would buy me sentries or tp in when I got ganked. So with no mana available, PA able to spam dagger and then jump on me and not get punished and have the help of a roaming support and neither of my supports roaming or counter TPing in to save me, yeah I lost that match up.

                  The biggest thing to note is that if she gets the help of a support rotation then she gets easy kills. If she gets camped by enemy supports or has an enemy support sitting next to their carry to save them then she has a hard time.


                    I agree with all the above, I feel like she's a mid that can excel if you see that it will be a good lane based off of her strengths, and yes like any other mid she needs to have a good early laning phase + a kill or two to really excel, but thats true of any mid.

                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                      Even CK or Lifestealer can mid with the right enemy heroes but just as Pippo^ said, PA can also dominate on the safelane. If we rate in hashtags which 5 is the highest:

                      Safelane: #####
                      Mid: ###
                      Offlane: ###
                      Jungle: #
                      Support: #


                        Pa best lane was safelane, get many cs and level while staying alive till she got items. Pa mid is good ( in terms of level ,but farm isn't that absolute awesome that will dictate the game later on,you'll end up item behind and farm poorly) . If you go mid with mid enemy heroes like ( ta,qop,voker,awful) your pa will be raped.

                        casual gamer

                          i dont think pa vs qop is completely one sided the way pa vs ta is

                          i also think voker isnt that bad of a lane maybe i just play vs shit vokers


                            Incredibly situational
                            Decent against some matchup but gets dumpstered against actual mid heroes



                              Qop vs pa?
                              Max first poison and scream vs pa mid. Ez to kite pa early game.

                              Ta vs pa?
                              Ez lane for ta

                              Voker vs pa?
                              QE voker type ez melt pa.
                              Release forge ready cold snap sunstrike.
                              Ez lane for voker.


                                Lane vs Axe?


                                  You guys are weird.