General Discussion

General DiscussionAgahnim Scepter Ideas?

Agahnim Scepter Ideas? in General Discussion

    I want to hear from you guys the ideas of some heroes getting Agahnims Scepter.


      Aghanim for AM
      Gives his Mana Break to allies in 900 range around AM.


        Aghs on DK
        Perma dragon form(I know its op)

        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          Chaos Knight: with Aghs, extra illusion chance increases from 50% to 100% and Illusions damage taken reduce from 200% to 100%.

          Troll Warlord: Reduce all incoming damage by 80% on yourself (just like Ursa) when using Battle Trance.

          Lycanthrope: Decrease Shapeshift cooldown to 30sec.

          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            Death Prophet: Spirits 8/16/24
            With Aghs 16/24/32 spirits.


              Sniper: give 2 charges for ulty( like bloodseeker)


                  @Be positive...
                  His ult has 10 seconds cooldown...

                  Hanamichi Sakuragi

                    Dragon Knight aghs - Adds a 20% chance to use Dragon Breathe for 50% of its damage with every attack while on Dragon Form.
                    Bounty Hunter aghs - Infinite bounces but reduces damage by 15% every 5 bounces.


                      Some ideas

                      BH : reduce tracked hero's vision & increase shuriken damage on tracked heroes.
                      Slark : give true sight & unobstructed vision while using ulti.
                      Io : give 3 charges on tether with usual cooldown & enable Io to tether 2 heroes.
                      DK : new type of dragon ? with additional attack modifier like lifesteal/manaburn.
                      DP : additional passive skill >> Witchcraft (old DP skill that improves other skill).
                      Lycan : ulti purges debuffs and disables.


                        Lycan: Shapeshift duration increased to 30 sec


                          AM: mana break increases by 16 after each hit
                          BH: Track has 0 sec cd and movement speed stacks
                          Slark: using ult gives attack speed
                          IO: Delay down to 0 seconds and 30 sec cd.
                          DK: Gives DK 40% increased damage, 60 attack speed and 5% ms buff in dragon form
                          DP: removes cast animation from her spells and exorcism ghost have a 20% to mini bash for 0.35 secs and 35 extra magical damage.
                          Lycan: all units he controls get permanent phase. Killing a hero reduces ult's cd by 5 seconds and tranfromation time by 0.15 seconds.

                          Megu Rum

                            Legion: cannot be stunned during duel


                                AM: Mana void Stuns - 2sec
                                BH: Old track vision reverted (can see what enemy see's)
                                IO: more tethers
                                Sniper: Shrapnel AOE increase (calldown size)
                                DK: Blue eyes white dragon - (enough said)
                                Medusa: Players tick damage while looking at her
                                Ember: hasted remnants, no manacost, more charges
                                PL: Illusion duration increased (TI3 meta)
                                Spectre: A new abilty 'haunt' where she can stalk enemy heros (invisibly without damage) as a scouting tool
                                Slark: Immune while shadowdanced
                                Troll: Grants Fervor for team mates during battle trance.
                                Lycan: Wolves get 3 charges, you can potentially summon 6 wolves.
                                Slardar: players are slowed while amp damaged.
                                DP: Witchcraft passive
                                CK: Always 4 second stun with max damage roll, increased critical chance, increased Ulti illusion chance.
                                CK: Illusion spawned on chaos strike crit
                                Clinkz: Eat ancient creeps (most op shit)
                                Brood: 16 webs
                                TA: Psionic traps ministun
                                Terrorblade: Allied Sunders no longer swap hp, but heal the % of the higher health hero.
                                Riki: Tricks of the trade deals DOT damage.

                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                  Srsly guys can you suggest upgrades that are not OP and tailored to your personal tastes?


                                    most of the OP ideas are on heros that would be more OP with a better item in that slot.


                                      Expect osfrog to add the most retarded ideas in the next patch


                                        Doom: no longer interacts with doom ability

                                        Allows doom use devour to consume ancient creeps, granting new abilities.

                                        Ancient Black Dragon: Doom consumes the heart of the dragon gaining Dragonheart Aura and Splash Attack

                                        Dragonheart Aura (600 range): Reduces armor by 3 and dealing 30 damage every second to enemies affected by Dragonheart Aura.

                                        Splash attack: Doom's auto attacks deal 25% damage to enemies in a 200 yard radius around the target.

                                        Ancient Granite Golem: Doom consumes the Heart of Granite granting the Golem Form aura and abilities.

                                        Heart of Granite (aura affects allies in a 900 range): Grants allies a 5 armor and 10% health bonus.

                                        Golem Form (active, 100 mana 60 sec cool down, 12 second duration): Doom is silenced, becoming immune to most spells and his auto attacks have a 25% chance to stun the enemy dealing 50 bonus damage and stunning for 1.0 seconds.

                                        Ancient Thunderhide: Doom consumes the Heart of Thunder gaining the War Leader Aura and Rolling Thunder abilities.

                                        War Leader Aura (affects allies in a 900 range) allies affected by War Leader Aura gain 15% bonus damage, 10 attack speed and 10% increased movement speed.

                                        Rolling Thunder (130 mana, 18 second cool down, 600 range) Doom releases a deafening blast wave in all directions dealing 100 damage, knocking them back, silencing all enemies, and slowing them by 25% for 3 seconds.


                                          OD : 10 int per hit
                                          and pierce spell immunity


                                            anti mage's ulty deals pure dmg

                                            bounty hunter hitting an enemie after shadow walk applies break to the enemie + remove cd on track

                                            broodmother ultimate becomes a target spell that allows BM to jump/blink to another hero and stun him for 2 secs, the jumps have charges that refresh every 30 secs and a max of 3 charges

                                            chaos knight ulty removes all debuffs and refreshes all skills and items of chaos knight

                                            clinkz strafe becomes a toggle ablity that additionally lowers the incoming dmg by 20%

                                            death prophet crypt swarm has a passive effect that activates every time a enemie comes into the radius and has a 8 sec cd, it sends a crypt swarm in every direction from dp

                                            dragon knights dragon form becomes a toggle ability that drains 1% mana from him every second

                                            ember spirit searing chains affect every enemie unit around es

                                            lycan's 3rd can be activated to affect all allied units in a radius, cd is 150/120/90/60

                                            for the rest i have no idea now


                                              If you make an Aghs upgrade for a carry it has to be the most useless thing in the world which will actually decrease their carrying potential compared to other necessary items which then means that you have to run it as a retarded useless support. Otherwise it isn't an authentic Icefrog style buff.

                                              Only difference is if you are making it for Mirana in which case it's so good that it's not only core for supports but core for mids with the only difference being the timing that you get it.


                                                Spectre illusion has dispersion
                                                Ya I think its quite OP tho



                                                  either it applies for 1/4th of hte damage to creeps


                                                  the caustic instantly explodes after burrowstrike, instead of waiting 6 seconds


                                                    Aghanim's Ember

                                                    Fire Remnant cast range increased to 2000.

                                                    Fire Remnant travels to it's position at a constant 600/700/800 movespeed


                                                      Aghanim's Riki

                                                      Tricks of the Trade dispels all debuffs on Riki

                                                      Tricks of the Trade cooldown decreased to 20


                                                        Aghanim's Arc Warden

                                                        When Tempest Double clone is brought down below 20% hp, it becomes invunerable for 2/3/4 seconds and all debuffs on it are removed


                                                          then ilusion cant atack if its invul...noob

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            Being invulnerable has nothing to do with being able to attack.


                                                              Abaddon: perma ult
                                                              Silencer: perma silence
                                                              Sniper: no more cast time, now has 10 charges of ult like AWP
                                                              Tusk: no cd ult
                                                              Ursa: perma ult

                                                              Before you ask: yes I'm drunk.


                                                                Alchemist. Spend 3k reliable gold to gamble. 33% to win the gamble. If you win the gamble – you win the game, you lose the other way.

                                                                Fox McCloud


                                                                  Haunt illusions immediately cast current level of Spectral Dagger to their designated victims.

                                                                  Seems OK to me, considering Spec would never buy an Aghs in the first place.

                                                                  13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                                                    DP : Swarm Heals death prophet proportionate to the damage dealt to enemies.
                                                                    Slark : Grants magic immunity and reduce his BAT to 1.0 on shadowdance form.
                                                                    Lycan : No Shapeshift cast animation and gains cripple, invisibility and regeneration (like his wolves)

                                                                    Fox McCloud

                                                                      I dont think aghs upgrades should simply be idealized versions of a hero. BAT upgrades and magic immunity just feels like another gameplay patch buff.

                                                                      Buying an aghs should either be for all in fun or alternate, unorthodox playstyles.

                                                                      Good examples include Luna (aghs for caster instead of traditional right clicker) and Naga (support instead of carry)'s aghs upgrades.


                                                                        Gyrocopter - Sidegunner 4head


                                                                          Here's one (not very original though ):
                                                                          Lesbian Commander (hell I like this nickname) duel is prolonged(maybe till one duelist dies) and all enemies and allies and neutrals in 900 aoe are stopped and forced to turn towards the duelists until the end of the duel. I don't know if it should affect the magic immune heroes, but those behind trees and/or those who can't see the duel shouldn't be affected.


                                                                            Invoker : unlocks the missing legacy spells.


                                                                              Sniper Plus 350 attack range and plus 350 daylight and night vision .


                                                                                sniper should have a passive where he is invisble when he's stationary but that's another thread.

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  io - another tether charge, overcharge becomes an aura that can be toggled on/off


                                                                                    Sniper increased turn rate for 360 noscopes


                                                                                      Slardar- all damage dealt to a unit under the effects of his ult becomes physical


                                                                                        Snipers w/ Aghanim
                                                                                        Upgrades: Assasinate
                                                                                        Turning Sniper's projectile into explosive bullet. Changing damage type into pure and added splash magical damage. Also increasing damage and lower the cooldown
                                                                                        Damage Type: Pure
                                                                                        Splash Damage Type: Magical
                                                                                        Damage: 400/500/700
                                                                                        Cooldown: 7.5

                                                                                        Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                                                                          "2ez4Kelly: Aghs on DK
                                                                                          Perma dragon form(I know its op)"

                                                                                          Gives Elder Dragon Form 3 charges with 50 seconds replenish time :D

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            Sniper - Reduces shrapnel recharge time to 30 seconds and sharpnel does half damage vs buildings.


                                                                                            Sniper - Makes assassinate instant cast and stuns target for 2.5 seconds. Stun pierces magic immunity, dmg does not.

                                                                                            Phantom Assassin - Makes dagger an aoe ability that hits every enemy within 700 range including creeps. You would never see a battlefury pa again.

                                                                                            Phantom Lancer - Doubles the duration of all illusions and allows juxtapose to work on buildings.

                                                                                            Troll Warlord - Fervor becomes an aura with 900 range and affects allies for 50% for 4 stacks for max value of 52.5/70/87.5/105.

                                                                                            Slardar - Amplify damage becomes a passive aura that reduces armor by 10/15/20 in a 900 radius and provides truesight of heroes and units in a 900 radius (won't reveal wards). Affects everything except buildings. The active use of amplify damage can still be used to track enemies beyond 900 radius.


                                                                                              If storm, ember, and earth spirit all get ags they should be able to transform into a giant alcoholic panda

                                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                                lol dire wolf

                                                                                                imagine ur pa aghs with bfury as well

                                                                                                also the slardar aghs is op, he is currently countered by manta lotus diffusal and bkb because they purge it off. with this it is uncounterable

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  All of them are op but that's the fun isn't it? You make something kinda of realistic but secretly op so everyone's like oh cool but it'd never really happen. Can you imagine your entire team getting 45 attack speed after just three troll attacks? That's equal to beastmater aura and that's only 3 hits. It would be ridiculously op to go like drow, luna, troll.

                                                                                                  Or sniper doing half dmg to buildings with shrapnel on a 30s cd. He could kill an entire t3 in 2 minutes without ever breaking high ground.

                                                                                                  I think a realistic slardar one would be amp dmg also reduces magic resistance by 10/20/30%.

                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    Terrorblade - Removes minimum hp cap on sunder and sunder can be cast while disabled (silenced, stunned, hex'd, chrono'd whatever).

                                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                                      Lycan - doubles wolve's hp and gives them a new ability vicious strikes.

                                                                                                      Vicious strikes - wolves tear into opponents on every attack reducing armor by 1 every attack up to 10 stacks with a duration of 5 seconds. Fully stacks. Identical to invoker's forged spirits melt armor ability.


                                                                                                        I have to agree with an earlier person and say that the idea here was legit:

                                                                                                        Riki Aghs upgrade: Riki's small stature makes him highly compact and flexible. Allows Riki to enter an allied players inventory, if there is space for the new item. Once in an ally's inventory, Riki functions as a normal item, with no control over his self.
                                                                                                        If Riki is in an ally's inventory, the ally receives the current levels of invisibility and backstab, with backstab's agility multiplier transfering into a multiplier of the hero's main attribute.
                                                                                                        Riki can be sold for his death value gold (amount of gold given to a single hero if they kill Riki. Riki can be consumed, transfering his total hit points and mana to the hero. Upon consumation or selling, Riki is killed. Upon respawn, Riki is fully controllable again, and all transfered passive buffs are returned to Riki. If the target hero dies while Riki is in their inventory, Riki is transferred to the closest flying animal courier. If no animal courier is available, Riki will lose an extra 120 gold and an animal courier will spawn at the base, with Riki in its inventory.
                                                                                                        If the animal courier holds Riki in its inventory, it will gain Riki's passives, however will not gain an auto-attack.
                                                                                                        The only way for Riki to emerge from item form is the death of the host hero, consumation or selling.

                                                                                                        That is the most unique idea I've seen, and I think it would change Riki forever. Riki with 4 hearts? Aight.