General Discussion

General DiscussionCan anyone explain the logic behind calibration to me?

Can anyone explain the logic behind calibration to me? in General Discussion

    Like, what factors are considered when you are being calibrated for mmr?


      I believe there's so many threads on this but someone correct me if I'm wrong, it's mainly hero damage, gpm, xpm, kda and last hits. I think it's mostly hero damage and kda.


        it's bullshit that's what it is. there's no other factor than skill

        high kda, gpm, xpm etc. are byproducts of a higher skilled player playing the game

        example if you were to put a 6k in a 1k game he'd have 1k+ gpm, 30+ kills, 100k hero damage

        but if you put a 1k in a 6k game he'd have negative gpm, 0/30/0, 200 accidental hero damage.

        try as much as you want, you can't force these factors.


          you will have hear mmr on calib like u have now....better only if good kda good farm hero tower damage