General Discussion

General DiscussionDisappointed at my MMR after Calibration

Disappointed at my MMR after Calibration in General Discussion

    I mean, 4.1k is decent but still I expected more, can anybody tell why is it soo low?
    is it because I played supports prior calibration or Maybe I'm not as good as I think I am?


      You answered your own question.

      Just grind up if you deserve higher mmr.


        4k is decent for a non-tryhard career chasing guy
        Some people are just talented at this game,no need to push yourself too much to reach 7k or shit


          I think playing supports prior to mmr can actually fuq up your uncalibrated mmr, but that's life


            but i wanna be the very best, like no one ever was xD, but you guys are right, ill just get out of the low 4k trench


              When will people realize that it doesnt matter whether u play support or core. If u are shit u calibrate lower.


                Supports dont affect MMR


                  it really doesn't matter, i just love how delusional people are about using carry vs support.

                  i calibrate accs to 4.5-5k using supports and carries.

                  anyways if you are truly a great support, it's godamn easy to grind out of 4k by supporting.


                    i played 5 supports on calibration with awful kda and got 4500..and lost most games...lmao..could be better but im happy

                    1000 xpm

                      i think calibration works in such a way that u have to perform relatively better with ur hero to all the other players out there. but none really knows. my smurfs calibrate between 4,3 and 4,6k. there is always a range


                        Calibration with any hero would not change your mmr .support/carry. Every hero has its own average (kda/hh/hd/td/gpm/xpm) etc . just prove to valve that you are above average .