General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to not get so tilted

How to not get so tilted in General Discussion

    2k bracket is such shit. There is always a useless jungler, offlane will always feed, mid is always a useless player. I actually can't not be tilted by dota anymore, even in unranked games. Usually if I carry I'll shit on the enemy team, but kids auto select mid, and safe lane and the other kid who wants to carry auto goes offlane and then feeds because he picked a hero who can't offlane well. I'm at the point where I'll get tilted then afk follow the kid that tilted me.
    So my question is, is when your team is complete shit, I mean 100% ass how do you guys not get tilted. Even when I mute chat I'll look at the people on my team and they almost always are under leveled and farm. Last game my alch who claimed he was better than everybody, our 2nd pick alch got outfarmed by almost the whole enemy team.
    Too triggered


      the daily ns crying about his team.

      if you wanted to win, if you wanted to get out of 2k, you'd be playing your best not for your teammates, but to win that mmr and get away from these idiots.

      so about when your team is retarded: mute them, turn on some music and play your game. they don't dictate if the game is won or not, only you do.

      if i were to tryhard my best and go mid alch/arc i could get from 1 to 4k without losing a single game.(ofc considering that i'd get to pick mid every game and that no one will intentionally try to lose the game ex courier feeding)

      anyways like the majority of NS players bitching about their team, you're being very hypocritical about it. you aren't as good as a player as you think you are, you played all roles but you equally underperformed on all of them


        smh play me kid lol average vhs player, nothing but trash


          Normal skill stories dot net


            Zzz shit kids in dota and on dotabuff lol ns and vhs kids useless


              I can't say that I remember ever having successfully avoided getting mad at my team if they are particularly bad, however I have been in multiple games where I have been the one causing others grief due to my lack of skill and when they explain to me some of the things I am doing wrong and help me in avoiding such misplays we tend to start doing better and they tend to seem calmer.
              Perhaps you might try the same although I cannot necessarily guarantee a positive effect.

              Need to talk,remove your ...

                Usually if I carry I'll shit on the enemy team, but kids auto select mid, and safe lane and the other kid who wants to carry auto goes offlane and then feeds because he picked a hero who can't offlane well.

                Hahahaha delusional 2k


                  i stack with irl friends at 2k and these games are not dota.. u are throwing balloons filled with water to each other....

                  its gonna be fun

                    grow up sir, than play it with fun, bad mood make ur game so bad, lower ur focus, and cant find a way to win the game, "if ur teammates is shit, than ur enemy too" *quoted from someone on this forum, so make it as ur opportunities, find their weakness


                      Honestly in League of Legions this stuff has never happened to me and ive played about the same amount of games, i think only twice there has been a misunderstanding and that was because the chat got really laggy. If you want a game with a better community go to league, if you want a game with great concepts and complexity play DotA. The DotA community is full of shitheads that think their mmr determines their about to understand the game and gives them a right to say what they want to to anyone with lower mmr, even pro LoL players wont do that.

                      Need to talk,remove your ...

                        If you understand the game so much why cant you hit atleast 3k mmr then?

                        Go be a moron somewhere else. Go back to playing LoL, after all thats what your bracket is all about; a fuckin j0ke.


                          Give less fucks about losing while do your best every game
                          Bring positive vibes
                          If you don't have the skills to get out of NS,you can have a great mindset to compensate that, make your trash teammates play better,and if you tilt after 1 fucking death,the enemies will too
                          Before you say shit like "omg u don kno what i have gon thru",I am also in this NS toxic shithole and I can asure you its easy to 1v9 unless you get absolutely outdrafted


                            Pick heroes that you are comfortable with and just try your best, i personally also believe that i shouldn't be at this shit tier mmr bracket but the only way to prove that you don't belong here is by raising your mmr and not just make a smurf which will ruin other peoples games also.


                              Simple answer:

                              Don't ever rely on your team,always think ahead,stop complaining about your team mates,don't be toxic player(seems your cancerous toxicity level 100)

                              Be optimistic,rally your team not barking on them(2-3k were scrubs,they need guidance,be that guide).


                                Try to smurf to breathe fresh cool air. You can't ruin other games if you smurf( VHS WILL GET MATCHED WITH 4k plus doter)


                                  You'll stay in 2k with that attitude. Stop blaming others lel


                                    @Izlude you were normal skill 4 and a halfish years ago and now you are 4.5k over 4.5 years you could only climb roughly 2k mmr... lousy. I have climbed 700 in 3 months, ill cya in the spring at 4k


                                      1000 to 1700 and 3000 to 3700 is an entirely different thing

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        i was playing between 1200 and 1400 MMR a few months ago. then i learned metas existed.


                                          TRY COMMUNICATING WITH A MICROPHONE U LITTLE SHIT


                                            Laugh off their imcompetence.


                                              If you would like to be less frustrated with Dota 2 in general, it will require that you come to terms with 2 things.
                                              1. Dota 2 is just a game. You wouldn't become frustrated with CandyLand, just because you're not doing too well or because or your opponent is winning, or at least I would hope to god not. At that point, you have to ask yourself why you're getting so tilted. In most cases, you aren't playing for anything important like money or reputation, so it's just a game.

                                              2. Dota 2 is a TEAM game. There are 4 other people who are on the same team with you, with more or less the same goal: to win.
                                              If the other team is more organized and more willing to work together as a team, then of course they are already more likely to win. Sure, there are some games where you can just flatout carry your team, but that's not the point of Dota. Just try to be willing to work with your team, even if they make mistakes or if they call you out for your mistakes. If you want to get out of your current mmr, you have to be adaptive. If there are 4 other carries, pick a support and play to the best of your ability.
                                              If you cannot come to terms with these 2 times, Dota 2 may not be the game for you. LUL


                                                chilongqua if you think you're so good we can go 1v1 for real money

                                                i'll gladly make you homeless


                                                  @cookie whoah savage as fuq

                                                  Need to talk,remove your ...


                                                    Hahahahaha thats funny because the in 4.5 years ive been playing more party ranked than solo ranked. My pt went from 3.8 to 2.8 then 4.3k real fast you can even check my yasp; feelzgudman.jpg

                                                    Show me the amount of solo ranked games you've played.

                                                    Yes I've been in normal skill, but I was good enough to climb to 4.5k where as alot of players already have 2-3k games played and still cant get out of 3k. Lookin at your winrate which is sub 50% I highly doubt you can get on my level.

                                                    Get real.

                                                    Let me know when you get to 4.5k with less than 400 solo games played.

                                                    Normal skill and High skill bracket isn't so hard if you know how to play 'okay' dota.


                                                      Think what would bsj do in a situation ur in he never gets tilted best fucking player of all time banana shitstain fucking dogshit jamma remember that name


                                                        never tilted until mid 4k


                                                          Short advice: git gud

                                                          Long advice: Most people in that shit MMR range does nothing good. From auto hitting creeps, tunneling vision to only the screen (which leads to redundancy of wards), wandering around the shop UI, poor itemization, prolonged and purposeless fights (i.e.: winning fights without taking towers), to intentional throwers, there are too many things to be improved because Dota is not a game. It is a commitment.

                                                          For your teammates to do anything good, give them clear and short-term instructions. For example, you see your CM standing around ancients warding at X:40. You can ping there and type: "Help stack ancient ty", voila you got yourself (or your teammates who happen to steal it later lel) another ancient camp. "Don't auto" and your carry *may* go to settings and switch it off, or simply spam stop/hold position to try to last hit. Something more complex like "rat when we fight NP" or "save your GS until Enigma uses his blackhole" may not work if your said teammate can't cope with the complexity, so deal with it.

                                                          But if you can't work out what to say or what decisions to make, or can't even follow them yourself when given by your other teammates (given reasonable rationale), then you are the problem. Yes, raising MMR is about believing that everyone else is shit, but is that merely a belief or is that an absolute truth?


                                                            i've come to the conclusion that to get out of NS you have to play a hard carry that shit on everyone late game & just afk farm the whole match & eventually get to the late game & 1v9 , because morons don't know how to gg push at 20 30min so you can't play a carry that falls off late game


                                                              Tilted in 2k ahahah.

                                                              You people down there care about mmr and w/l?