General Discussion

General DiscussionThe level of cancer is unreal

The level of cancer is unreal in General Discussion

    In my AM game I got flamed like shit for getting a late battlefury while having "free farm". And by free farm I mean of course level 1 pull and warlock constantely hitting the creeps making me miss some so he can push. Then later, when they lost a teamfight the shitshow started. Dp started flaming for not joining fights 20 mins in while I was pressuring tier3 top. And warlock flamed me 6 mins later for having treads vlads and manta only. I still broke my record on that match with 12.67 lh/min while also not completely avoiding fights and getting flamed for every team fight loss and my low GPM like wtf.

    doc joferlyn simp

      you still won though lmao. here in dotabuff that's the ideal game. so many cancer players, babyrage, delusional smurfs. but even through that you still won, which means you maintained PMA and is basically destined to leave that bracket. good job magical baby, you're going to change the world.


        it used to be a daily NS bitching about his teammates thread

        now it's hourly


          Guys my team is garbage someone help me pls

          1000 xpm

            adolf hitler talkin


              @Cookie Im high skill. NS games are party.
              @aFeect. I didnt say they were garbage I said they were toxic.



                void 6,3k HD, 45 minutes game.

                And this is the kind of shit you have to put up with in every fucking game. At least the game allows you to go full retard, too.


                  shitshow lol


                    shitshow lol


                      eazypeezy what do you smoke, both teams in that game have similar amouts of kills, gpm kda etc.

                      only difference is the loser vs winner difference. that game looks fair and balanced