General Discussion

General DiscussionGets reported for asking our carry to do something. GG valve

Gets reported for asking our carry to do something. GG valve in General Discussion

    Isn't good when you take rosh and ask for our useless carry to do something but I instantly get reported so I decide to farm just like him. How come I'm not allowed to farm like him? What is wrong with people in this game


      the hourly bitching thread

      Need to talk,remove your ...

        Straya m9


          Wow. 0-4-1 on an Antimage.

          Like, you couldn't make that up. How do these people exist?

          garbage man

            Stay gold Pony Boy, stay gold.


              You abandon game, see you got low p. Shut down your computer, go to your bathroom and look in the mirror and realize that there are a lot of shit players out there


                Toxic gamer, unlucky team whom you team up in every game. I can see,how broken your keyboards is.


                  I was 6/0/1 as a jungler I might add, with 80cs in 12 minutes. I get reported for asking our carry to do something? So once they reported me I just go farm like the AM, According to them Im not allowed to do what I want but AM is because they are in a party.

                  Also Valve you useless piece of shit, I would like to get a solo ranked game without party players soon


                    You can not fight with people who are in a party. Dont bother with it it will just tilt you. Just hope the dumbass will play his role correctly and you do all you can to win. There really are just bad players out there fam, and sadly a lot of people who are in a party dont really care if they lose lol. Nobody will show off party mmr, only solo mmr is what matters to people in the community


                      he had the highest mmr by like 400 or something and he picks AM into a troll,Luna and drow. wtf is wrong with them

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        when u pick bs jungle u should expect ppl to just walk down mid instantly, so i dunno what are u complaining about

                        bonus points if u picked bs jungle after his am, i wouldn't be surprised since u're a huge retard

                        Need to talk,remove your ...

                          ^ True


                            oh so going 5/0/1 in jungle at 10 minutes is a reason to feed? Nice nice mate fucking nice, goes to show you're one of the fucking retards who are useles at this game and only ever get carried


                              honestly feeding in all my games from now on. So over it, everyone that I queue with deserves to lose since they are trash. I would like to see how many games I will get carried by doing nothing just like everyone else I play with


                                ^ maybe u would win more games if you just afk every game.


                                  god bless


                                    what a surprise team goes 0/18 with 2 offlaners. This is what happens if I afk. Point proven valve gives you retards on purpose with no evidence to say they dont

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      are all Australians this retarded?


                                        how do u access the empty thread teach please


                                          Swirl legitimately had a game where he went 23 kills and 26 assists and despite that his team fucked around, not pushing, and ultimately lost despite having like 20 more kills than the enemy. Can you honestly blame him for getting angry when you get matched with people like that.