General Discussion

General DiscussionGood idea

Good idea in General Discussion

    What if I pick Nature's Prophet, buy tp scroll, teleport to enemy base, buy their courier and all wards then teleport back -- would I get away with that?


      I dont even think its possible to Buy enemy Wards and courier
      Wait a Minute. Is this a serious question?


        Yes it is. Do it so that enemies can't buy courier and wards for some time. Am I idiot?


            But as NP you want them to courier so that you can kill it right?
            CD on courier is like 15 seconds or something

            SHINRA TENSEI !!

              how can buy an enemy courier? lmfao

              doc joferlyn simp

                buy then drop as a present. same with wards


                  or how about get a kitchen knife and slice your throat ??