General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i deal with mana leak

how do i deal with mana leak in General Discussion

    piece of shit spell

    < blank >

      you pick kotl

      game is bad

        Abaddon, Omniknight, or Oracle can dispel it.


          I am not 100% sure since I don't really play a lot of heroes who build difusial but I think difusial can remove it to.
          If you are a supp you can go for graves too...
          or that armor items that removes debufs and reflects all incoming debuffs, I don't know the name


            lodas orb UncleNox


              Slark!vdark pact




                  Juggernaut blade fury .

                  Johnny Rico

                    Euls, Linkens, Lotus Orb, Manta, Bkb, greaves, diffusal. Any spell that gives spell immunity or purges, like slark dark pact, and the oracle ball.

                    ♏mikeeCS ツ

                      Shadow demon's purge?


                        Play huskar, he don't need mana


                            whats an offlane hero that doesnt need mana? im thinking something like slardar here since his sprint doesnt even need mana now, and u only lose crush

                            then again if youre 0 mana all the time mana leak turns into a goddamn stun sfdjfkdbsfgsg



                              depends what hero you are lol.

                              i almost neve rhave a problem with mana leak.

                              looking at ur last games...

                              techies -> euls/blink dagger (into trees)

                              NP -> euls/blink.. lothar could work too just check if they have detection first, it won't work every time. sprout can delay them.

                              tinker -> blink rearm spam??? lmao

                              oracle -> you shouldn't be alone ever.. so if it's a teamfight just stand still and cast spells if they focus you just false promise and let your team kill them.

                              timbersaw -> euls/blink. if it's early game you can just man up, timber is strong as FUCK early.

                              naga -> just song+tp if you have to. can manta purge too.

                              if you can't figure this out on your own, this is why you're 2k


                                yea those are things u can learn alone why azk anyone try watc ur gamez and see what does what not or watf pros too ....
                                @marlan good ;meepo player
                                bad: long ago no meepo


                                  "this is why you're 2k" man, thats so #triggering...

                                  i dont play that much furion, techies. tinker, oracle, and naga, most of those were unranked games that didnt even have a kotl in them + kotl isnt even a huge pain to deal with as those heroes + as oracle i can just Q myself and voila its gone

                                  and yeah i know i can just punch the kotl as timber with lv2/3 reactive during laning since his right clicks will just heal me but it's what's after laning that becomes a problem. im starting to think that against kotl i need to go bloodstone into blink then euls rather than bloodstone into euls since if i buy euls first for the sole reason of purging it most of the time i'd be in a bad position

                                  huh, thinking back in my last timber game i shouldve just tried to pressure the map to build my bloodstone + blink instead of going for dumb fights



                                    good: spederman
                                    bad: spederman

                                    fAFUCK YOUJ


                                      As timber I've found lotus orb is the best item to deal with it. Still its annoying as hell when KOTL uses Chakra Magic on himself so that manaleak has a 4 second cooldown. You purge it then 4 seconds later he mana leaks you again and you want to ragequit. If its annoying enough get a bkb and kill him before your bkb runs out.