General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I stop my team from giving up?

How do I stop my team from giving up? in General Discussion

    Hey duuuuuudes

    I've been having those games where my team gives up at like 15 min, when they see that we're losing... It's like they don't believe in comebacks at all lol
    I notice this most when our carry (or if I'm carrying), doesn't do well early on from ganks/tough offlane lineup etc... It's like they don't understand that a carry needs farm, and once he gets it as the game goes on, he'll own them all. But they start afking/feed couriers/ward Jung camps.... What would you do in this case? How do I encourage them to keep trying?

    Any help appreciated! :-)

    casual gamer

      just mute them and try hard urself

      some games I have teammates give up and sit in well because 1 set of raxes is taken, u can never encourage these apes to keep trying


        Spam don't give up/ game is hard haha


          Like I see those games where a team comes back from a 100hp ancient... Like anything is possible if they just tried... But their thick head kicks in and they start raging lol