General Discussion

General Discussionhow to reach 5k

how to reach 5k in General Discussion

    What I've done so far is limited my hero pick on every role so I have a back up plan when we already have a position 1. For offlane I always play mag or th, support role would be es or lion and for mid I always pick Dr now. For jungle I limit my heroes to ls and lc


      ^agree sir..
      It's just that happen I can at least play decent supp..
      I'm also not comfortable in mid..
      So when people said the best to grind in 2k and 3k is auto pick mid and snowball, i don't do it..

      So if you comfort play carry I think just play and master the carry..
      There is normal match for fun and training your weak role..

      GLHF in your ranked match..


        Den gonfor ur carry snd always stay in lane take creeps and kill
        Dont go to jungles be monkey lol


          Well, As I could see it, jungle role is a situational pick since it really gives a lot of burden to all lanes, like instead of picking jungle, I would prefer to pick a roaming support to give space to my carries.


            ^the only hero I forgive to go jungle is axe and enigma..

            Others often only be burden and make me not enjoy my game..


              @Sijerman I agree with axe. specially he is so damn good right now because of that pure counter helix. Must add that to my list. The only thing with junglers is that they take time to help the team to recover since they need their blinks to have impact


                No axe axe is not axe
                I preffer my mid always TA and shadow shaman
                No one can touch my tower lol


                  And my mid shadow demon huhu


                    spam skill youll be 5k in no time


                      @no feelings attached - yes thats what im also doing right now. If you could check my games I'm spamming sven and it really paid well


                        Sven and jugg aren't good carries now i think