General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on how to play timber offlane ?

Tips on how to play timber offlane ? in General Discussion

    ^ title

    Want to know how to play timber in the offlane,against agressive trilanes and how to itemize after bloodstone.


      i don't know how to play timber i miss all my shit XD

      but itemisation is game dependant

      3lanes are very gud against timber in the first couple of levels, so your job is somehow to get exp without dying, be creative!

      casual gamer

        get multiple levels of reactive and then right click the enemy carry and go to sleep


          Timber is pretty weak early on and will regularly get shit stomped by good trilanes. Your best option is probably to get a talon and 2 levels of armor and just jungle. If you aren't against a trilane, you sit in lane with just enough armor levels as needed to survive and hit the carry when he tries to cs.

          After bloodstone you can get shivas, lotus, blink, aghs, octarine, travels, hex, pipe, bkb, linkens or heart, depending on the situation.


            how2play against aggro tri:

            if its a sky kotl + carry tri you'd better just cry and try to not die (try to buy a stick/wand) until level 3 to get 1 level in chain + 2 levels in reactive and jungle (you can do it because of reactive armor) then going back to lane, draw creep aggro until tier 2 so they wont be able to push your t1 (esp if ur dire; offlane t1 dire is very important because its nearby rosh)

            but if its any other trilane you can trade hits 2v1 (this happens when 1 support leaves to pull) at level 3 with any support if you have PMS + 2 levels of reactive, also try to block the double pull camp instead of the single pull, you can easily disrupt the single pull camp and get all the exp (both the neutral and enemy creeps!) for yourself safely. mess with creep equilibrium if you can (draw creep aggro towards your range creep so it dies quickly THEN deny it since it gives a lot of exp) so they end up pushing you. by doing this the other support will be too busy to pull and might even be dumb enough to pull every wave which will single handedly win you the lane, also it will be 2v1 most of the time if he does and; you can then trade hits with their support to force him out of lane; it then becomes another 2v1 with no one pulling, then you'd be able to chip away on their tower until their other support comes back. however this is all just base on theory and experience at 3k, if you play at a higher level this might not apply

            also at level 3 (again, with level 2 reactive) try to draw as much creep aggro as you can to keep your stacks up. dont do this at level 1 tho since 5 stacks can barely keep up your health, at level 1 and 2 just play at passively until you get PMS + lv 3.

            TLDR: learn creep aggro to mess with equilibrium for 2 reasons:
            1) to force them to pull
            2) making only 1 support to zone you so u can reliably trade hits


              how2itemize after bloodstone:

              ill just write it here just a small tip but you alr know this, but always disassemble your arcanes boots for bloodstone, BUT ONLY do it after using your arcanes for one last time. this is to maximize your mana. oh and dont keep arcanes boots after youve used it once youve gotten your point + vit booster even without recipe; soul booster helps way more and only costs 1 slot.

              TLDR before the essay: as for after bloodstone i usually go euls, hood, or BoT (i sometimes go shiva, but its very rare)

              euls is the item i usually go for after bloodstone, since you have no innate disable, its a cheap way to cancel tp's and considering LC is a top pick in my mmr its a good way to save ur teammate from being trashed on by the LC. also it purges of silences which is a huge counter to timber + it gives mobility and additional mana regen.

              hood is for when i need to tank magical dmg (obviously) i dont usually upgrade it to pipe right after building it though; i usually go hood into euls/bot into pipe. i dont think pipe is necessary very early on (since you'd have bloodstone by 15-17 and hood by 18-20) since at this point of the game you dont want your team to be focused on anyway, its only you who'll be tanking up shit tons of damage while dealing lots of damage at the same time

              for bot its when im dumpstering everyone and i think i have to constantly put pressure in the map by farming their resources up. if im destroying them and im farming their resources, im doing a lot of things at once: 1) negating their farm, 2) pushing out the lane 3) can possibly kill them if they try to farm and push out our lane.

              as for that you almost always get shiva, you still have low base armor so if u dont wanna die while gathering your stacks then build this

              i think triple builds blink on him, i used to build it too but euls is just enough for me

              casual gamer

                u guys are exaggerating, when the tri inevitably fucks up and gives you level 5 you are invincible to most pub trilane combos. you have so much armor and regen that u cannot be shoved out of lane and often can end up farming arcane + soul


                  hey @esperanza since ur almost 5k do u know how i can deal with kotl's in lane and midgame as timber? mana leak is such a stupid spell especially midgame lol, my problem is that it drains my mana too fast for me to get into a better position


                    1) skill your armor
                    2) go cook dinner
                    3) come back 10 minutes later
                    4) lane won.


                      ^ +1


                          Alice, just buy lotus against kotl