General Discussion

General Discussionwhy are my unranked games still normal skill

why are my unranked games still normal skill in General Discussion
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    i have raised from 2.8 to 4k (3.8 now as you can see i have been loosing many games), so i want to play unranked but at the same lvl such as vhs but when ever i queue unranked its normal skill and the games are really i need some way of practicing without losing mmr but at the same skill lvl


      They are different mmrs. If they are easy good, you'll raise your unranked mmr. Tbh just keep playing ranked, unranked people don't really support or they mess around a lot.


        I think it was ur hidden mmr
        I got 3700+ on both my party and solo but my unranked match always 99% very high skill