General Discussion

General Discussionwhy isnt sb aghs a thing?

why isnt sb aghs a thing? in General Discussion

    it reduces cd to a mere 20s and it gets an aoe effect

    is it because he cant farm it


      Fight usually ends in 20 sec so u cant use ur ulti twice. Moreover he needs items for tankiness and as. Aoe bash is useless cuz u cant hit more than 2 heroes at once

      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        Who the F is SB?

        Pale Mannie



            because sb is not a thing :D
            and u dont have enough farm when playing roaming sb, not to mention that there are items that give u much more utility than aghs.


              so why isnt sb a thing


                He's actually quite OP in normal skill. So OP its not fun playing him

                doc joferlyn simp

                  SB's great in normal skill because the concept of positioning in our bracket is as practiced as the concept of keeping lane equilibrium