General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does some siren players that can reach 12 last-hits/min ruin some...

Why does some siren players that can reach 12 last-hits/min ruin some teammates initiation with her ult? in General Discussion
rice cake

    happens all the time in uncoordinated, no communication, solo queue




        Try voice


          cause im pro naga and i dont give a shit if i fuck up ulti cauae i have 900 lashits at 49 min and have refresher shard travel 2 and dota give me 2 buybacks in row cause im pro so i ruin fight with ulti my team die i split push and win solo cause im pro naga ty


            because being able to farm well does not, contrary to popular belief, make you good at the game. It makes you good at farming, which is not the only aspect of the game.


              farming efficiently is super easy but it doesnt teach you to win games


                it does teach u to win games i allrdy know that i cant farm all game and ignore all game situatuon but i still pro at farming and i help i win games im pro naga,farming maybe dont teach 4k < retards ...
       pro naga
                pps i am pro naga and i m the best naga

                PMS Mantra

                  Better question is: why do Invokers do this constantly with wild Tornadoes?