General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get very high skill

How to get very high skill in General Discussion

    can someone guide me how to get very high skill?



      casual gamer

        die less kill more farm more buy better items learn how to play support how to pull how to smoke gank what items to buy at :00 learn when your team can rosh tell your team when they can rosh kill ancients stack camps learn when to save skills learn how to buy items against the enemy team learn why some items are bought watch players who are actually good


          git gud


            git gud


              git gud


                knowing when to farm, avoid fights, clash, ward is the key to vhs imo obviously you need to be familiar with basic game mechanics. Also git gud lmfao. Since you're from SEA would you like a coach? i know someone who might help you get vhs.


                  ya please guide me someone :(


                    please add me since im new id in dota 2 .. please add me who guide me to get vhs please.. ty


                      leave ur friend id ill inform my friend, and also please state where are you from and give me timing on when are you available. Coaching is free so don't worry.


                        New to dota aiming of vhs???? Or old man that never learned how to play dota properly😂


                          get 30+ kill on your 1st match


                            Can u stop with this? Are you fucking retards it doesnt change anything

                              INSAN KEKURANGAN

                                just git gud, vhs will come by itself.. there are alrdy tons of guides out there to read, coaches to teach, and replays to watch, etc. make good use of them

                                King of Low Prio

                                  Git good seems to apply