General Discussion

General DiscussionIs solo MMR still solo?

Is solo MMR still solo? in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    Past few days I've noticed whenever I play solo queue there's bound to be a two-stack, 1 every 3 games or smthng. Solo q just represents yourself, playing solo, instead of looking at other players? I thought solo MMR was supposed to be 10 absolutely unrelated players getting matches together, that's what makes the game interesting. Its variability. But how the fuck am I supposed to rally 4 stubborn rocks to do a winning strategy? I mean it's fine if the enemy team has the same level of unruliness, but putting in parties in solo ranked is just unfair because those 2 people will just do an awesome combo and fuck all of us up.

    Can't we make a petition for this shit?

    King of Low Prio



        Party players in ur team: Pudge - techies (russians)
        Enemy stack : Oracle -Huskar (germans)

        Ayyyyy good luck have fun


          yea they should change that shit sometimes i get 5k solo mmr player on enemie but has 4400 party and gg ez -25