General Discussion

General Discussion@MODS Possible Filter bug

@MODS Possible Filter bug in General Discussion

    I think there may be a bug involving filtering of matches on profiles. If you go into my profile to the matches tab and filter for "all Clockwerk matches" you will see there is 1 Very High Skill game 22 days ago. (should be 5th from the top).
    If you then remove the hero filter and try filter it by "very high skill games", it only shows one Wyvern game from 5 months ago. The VHS Clock game doesn't come up.

    Its late here and I'm tired so I might just be doing something stupid when I'm selecting the filters but it seems like a bug. Let me know if its just me being retarded :P


      Checked it again now that I'm not half asleep. Does seem to be a bug. Has anyone else noticed something similar?