General Discussion

General DiscussionRoad to 4k

Road to 4k in General Discussion
core tryharder

    Hey guys, I'm 3.4k, and I don't play ranked since June. Now, I think I'll play again because I want to reach 4k (maybe more then). So, I'm looking for some advices or help to make my journey easier.


    1000 xpm

      dont buy aghs on jugger. looks like u do well on am. i dont like that hero very much, but if it works for u, play him a lot. u know u are able to play support too :)?


        what is there to say? just git gud and mmr comes by itself.

        or be more specific with your questions and don't just ask stuff like ''how do i get to x mmr"

        there's no solid answer for that, because it's subjective/different for every player, only way you'd find the solid answer is if someone did a quality analysis on your games or you got a coach. but no one is gonna analyize or coach you with high quality for free

        long story short;TL;DR:
        ask more specific questions/ be more specific


          Just protect your noob cores and youll be 4k in No time.
