General Discussion

General DiscussionSilencer support help?

Silencer support help? in General Discussion

    Does anyone here can give me a tips about how to playing a good silencer support?
    I have a good rate when playing silencer, but I think I need to find another opinion to improve my game, ty.


      Get midas, iron talon and farm jungle


        Silencer is situational when u have some stuns/disables on core heros. Your role is to outzone enemy laners, in what silencer is one of the best heros in dota. Then u build him situationally. W/E your team needs.


          i love silencer support, really just about understanding how to support, and learning what your team needs like lex said. Laning phase he can zone out most offlaners and really punish them for getting greedy, and a good ult can be game changing. Sven blinks in, and if youre fast enough to see it coming ult and he will get shit on before he realizes whats happening

          Bad Intentions

            I hear a very popular pro player sez dat Silencer was not meant to be played as a sup but a core carry :O

            doc joferlyn simp

              but shitty agi gain buff isnt a good excuse to build him carry, his zoning skills are as great as skywrath's i dare say it's even better. although he will be a greedy pos 4 who wont be able to help it if the kill goes to him, it's better than running him as a pos 2 maybe a pos 1 who cant do shit unless super far ahead, pit him against any other carry like a juggernaut or a pa he just fucking melts

              Story Time

                ward and follow your team, max 3 first then both 1 and 2 skills, you dont have to max ult though, as u will be always low on mana. Better to have 1 lvl ult in fight then fail to deliver 2-3 lvl ult.

                Dire Wolf

                  What do you guys skill first on support silencer? I never know whether to use curse of the silent or Glaives for more orb harass.


                    generally glaives cos im shit at harassing.

                    2-0-1 at lv 3 can do a lot of damage though.

                    Dire Wolf

                      I actually like him a lot as a carry with dragon lance and Bloodthorne now but no pub will let you go carry, maybe mid but he's so easily ganked there


                        thats why u have slark selected and then pick silencer, and then pretend it was a mistake


                          Depends on the opponent, but most times Glaive. If you have constant spell spammers in your lane you can also consider going for arcane curse first. Bristleback just hates that spell. But try not to get enemy creeps in the AoE because your Core wiuldn't like to have his lane pushed out. I normally max out last word first though.
                          A force staff is a must on the hero because your just food in ganks, so you kind of have to find a few opportunities to farm. An early Wind Lace also helps a lot, which you can (and should) upgrade to Euls later.


                            Usually, i play silencer support situationally. I play him when there is an enemy slark, storm, weaver, or with great ultimate line ups like naga, tide, enigma, sandking,. My win rate is high with this idea in mind.

                            Yeah, silencer is a great zoner btw.

                            Dire Wolf

                              That's why dragon lance in hurricane pike is so perfect for carry silencer.