General Discussion

General DiscussionSuggest: 4K Carry Heroes to Spam

Suggest: 4K Carry Heroes to Spam in General Discussion

    Drow and Luna tops the carry hero list with 55.73% and 54.57% win rates respectively (As per Dotabuff's 4-5K MMR Hero Win Rate):
    It is then populated by non carry heroes who are either 1 of these:
    1) Heroes who are easy to play but makes huge impact:
    Zeus, Lich, Ogre Magi, Warlock, Silencer
    2) Defensive Heroes who have an entire skill set to keep teammates alive:
    Omniknight, Abaddon, Necrophos
    3) Aggressive Heroes who are "subjectively" hard to counter:
    Spiritbreaker, Riki

    Which heroes would be best to play in this current meta to help me climb the MMR ladder?

    more on:

    not arin
      come on my blog instead
      i have dank memes

      Dire Wolf

        Luna is pretty easy to spam right now. Drow is more situational I think, your team needs to pick around her, ie have ranged supports/other carries and a couple front liners or go to a pushing strat with pushers.

        Timber and void honestly seem like great spam right now.

        Slark is ok if you pick him situationally.


          Morph and arc.


            ^ Just played Drow with Timber, Disruptor, Invoker and Elder Titan.

            I thought having a tank duo of Timber and Elder Titan is enough but position wise ET doesn't really go in front.

            We were against an Axe and Slardar while their Jugg bought blink also.

            We have no ways to initiate and we were always just 2-3 jumps away from being team wiped :(


            Dire Wolf

              Drow invoker is a nice start but drow doesn't synergize that much with your other heroes, and invoker casts a lot of spells, not just right clicks. If you had swapped timber for tide you'd probably have been ok, but they still have a sniper in the back line killing you. Swap timber for tide and ET for spriti breaker and I think you have something.


                luna morph invoker insta win


                  @Dire Wolf yep, exactly. I wasn't able to get close enough to sniper to hit him.



                    Here is my opinion ;)

                    Alchemist mid, picking alch always gives you a chance of winning cause you can split push and threaten towers and you have nice impact in team fights..

                    And when nothing is happening , you farm.

                    Morphling.. get boots of travel , rat and farm , get items, and you should be good unless they have some crazy shit like wk carry with aegis lmao .. morph doesn't deal very well against axe either until late game .
                    This hero can push the fuck out of the towers with agility morph, and he can escape and tp easily with his Q, his str morph, his ult, and boots of travel / tp.

                    This hero has wave clear, escape, tankiness, and can take down towers fast. So boots of travel is great cause it allows you do all this and also threaten towers so you're enemy has to defend, and if ur team wins a fight you can take towers / rax.


                    Pick riki , get orb of venom, trade hits with mid laner, then wait for courier. Just make sure to force the enemy mid to use more Regen than your mid, so your mid wins the lane.

                    You can stay mid if the enemy is letting you completely shut down their mid, like they don't get sentries and you are zoning the mid out of gold ..

                    If they stop you, go see if any enemy heroes are close to their towers. If they are far. You can go trade hits with them to help your teammates get an advantage in the lane.

                    Basically win as many lanes as you can for your team by making enemy use more regen than your teammates.

                    Then get your diffusial and make spacd in fights. Just be careful cause nukes kill riki fast.

                    Get wards and stuff so you are useful while you are lacking levels.

                    If you really want to spam a hero for MMR,

                    Pick fuckin omni knight

                    Slark is good


                      TROLL WARLORD HYYYYYPE


                        @Double Does thanks for the inputs, I only want to play in the safe lane so I can't really choose Alchemist.

                        Riki and Omniknight have good win rates but they aren't played as carry.

                        Isn't Slark situational these days?

                        Fee Too Pee

                          Pick slark into timber or axe which no competent supports = rip
                          Or void that diolation your purge gg


                            Pub safelane carry tier list from my experience in ranked this version:

                            A- Morphling
                            B- Drow, AM, Jugg, OD
                            C- TB, Huskar, Slark, Naga, Luna, meepo


                              Lol actually if you can Farm pick Farm depended hero like dusa spectre naga am... cuz 95% of 4k players have No idea how to Farm.
                              If you cant Farm dont fucking pick carry its very simple


                                I'm getting the hang of playing Sven - but it requires team coordination to avoid getting kited.

                                Morphling, Jugg, AM are viable options for myself but they are not in the top tier list with regards to win rate

                                Huskar requires defensive supports like Dazzle, Omni
                                Terrorblade i'm not very familiar with - maybe less than 10 games of ihm
                                Meepo is better at mid than safe lane


                                  Necrophos has an entire skill set to keeping people alive? 🤔