General Discussion

General DiscussionTips please

Tips please in General Discussion

    I want to reach 5k peak. Anybody can dream right? Kakkaka
    I want tips, gameplays, mentality and sihits. Please do i need it badly


      U should to do less mistakes in the game


        Play dota 2


          Im currently grinding to 5 k again after being stuck on 4.5 for a long time.

          For me a good offlane that can put high pressure on enemy, force supports to help their carry is crucial for the win, cos u make loads of space for your carry even if he is bad. Also u leave enemy carry with poor farm.

          Lich used to be op for this with sacrifice but now i use Chen and i won like 8 games in a row with him. But hey it took me 100 games on another account to learn this hero, so....

          Just put high pressure on the enemy with support or offlaner, dont feed in the process and ez win.

          Also learn a niche hero like Chen, Visage, Meepo, Underlord, Arc Warden. High skill cap heros are very good to grind since people dont know how to counter them.


            imma just quote myself from the previous post which is literally below yours, since it's the same question except 1k mmr above.

            what is there to say? just git gud and mmr comes by itself.
            or be more specific with your questions and don't just ask stuff like ''how do i get to x mmr"
            there's no solid answer for that, because it's subjective/different for every player, only way you'd find the solid answer is if someone did a quality analysis on your games or you got a coach. but no one is gonna analyize or coach you with high quality for free
            long story short;TL;DR:
            ask more specific questions/ be more specific


              I really want to fucking learn meepo. I really tried so much. But i think meepo is not for me


                Try arc warden.


                  Thanks, more tips pls


                    Just protect your noob cores and youll be 5 in No time. Arc warden Support is very nice.


                      Chen is shit in pub however much pts u have


                        Spam only 4 heros 4-6k mmr , i can name to u my best heros but is really diferent for u, i have friends that only spam arc warden, omni, pitlord,but of most crazy and strong hero for me was sprit breaker , this hero is really fucking strong for win early game.
                        Post data : if u want be a good player play mínimum 100 times each hero , Test different items , see a few pro players in ranked matchs.
                        But remember that "mmr" is Just a Number try to enjoy of game, play with friends. Sorry for me english but i speak spanish 😂


                          is zeus okay?


                            you can get to 5k with pretty much any hero any items.

                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                              Hmm, i cant see your best hero all of them are 50-55% winrate.

                              Anyway, just play the hero your most comfortable with and just like nothing said, "spam only 4 heroes".



                                Chen is extremely good although I never play him under 4.3 k mmr. People tend to play him as a jungler, fail to rotate gank, instead of running at people from lvl 1 like I do.

                                Ez +250 mmr yestarday

                                Chen really works with everything apart from Medusa or Spectre.

                                But I guess what Cookie say - everyone has his own playstyle, so there is not a 1 good answer.


                                    ^ 5-6 k mmr bracket and normal skill

                                    Magic ;D haha


                                      If u acc is smurf u need stop play ranked for a time , u need learn more for this game bro.


                                          Make sure pressure ur enemy carry more denied