General Discussion

General DiscussionBlue star tips on "playing the map"

Blue star tips on "playing the map" in General Discussion

    As blitz put it. Not many resources on this topic. I imagine it is something difficult to conceptualise. So I'm asking blue stars for some tips & simple heuristics they use.

    So the higher up you go in mmr, players are very good at playing "off the map". So the better ur opponents are, there should be less information on the map. How then do you "play the map" when there's so little information. Do you guys have any simple systems u use the keep track of enemy
    Movements and such?


      Any SEA blue stars? Guess like 90% of other regions are asleep.


        Map awareness and understanding the game


          U just get used to it and pretty much know how the enemy is moving even tho u cant see them


            If your team does dangerous stuff then you do dangerous stuff


              Go watch cookie's video on YouTube


                Yep so basically no one uses a system to track heroes? I wonder why this topic is rarely articulated by anyone

                registered flex offender

                  if you cant see them, there's a chance that they're ganking you


                    What Cheese said
                    Easier said than done tho

                    casual gamer

                      what heroes they have is the primary factor dictating their behavior


                        This doesn't take a 5k player to understand lol. If their line up thrives with ganks, then ward up and if you don't have wards you need to be careful where you farm. Lc has been jungling and its 7 minutes in prepare for a blink duel gank, pudge has been off the map for 30 seconds prepare for a hook. Just play the game long enough and you'll get used to it. I don't even realize I look at the map anymore, almost muscle memory now

                        Hanamichi Sakuragi

                          Follow what BigBird said. You are gonna get used to it. Whenever I play against Spirit Breaker I count the number of seconds he's been gone on the map as well as his potential start point. And suddenly he is 0.05 seconds late to gank me cause I tp'ed at the right moment. You just have to think what would you have done if you were that hero and has been missing for like x amount of seconds.


                            ^ well that's actually really helpful. So u count how long a threat goes missing.

                            I mean I understand it depends on what the enemy lineup is, but in general I'm saying when there's really very little information on the map, say only 2 heroes ever show. What do u think? I can practice looking at the map ever second but if I don't know what to think how do I get better at playing the map?

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              Just know and understand this:

                              split push > 5 men

                              gank > split push

                              5 men > gank