General Discussion

General Discussion"fuck you for picking that hero" heroes on your team

"fuck you for picking that hero" heroes on your team in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    which heroes right now that when being picked in ranked ON YOUR TEAM

    you guys just like : GG WE LOST

    in my brackets it seems like picking sniper is a sin (cough i do most hero damage , most kill , still get blamed cough)
    sometimes huskar (because people always make PT first before armlet in my bracket lul)

    in my own eyes : Lone druid (cannot do shit , hard to play) , weaver (rush linken no damage) , first pick AMs/PAs


      Lc jungle


        in my own eyes: Legion Jungle or Slark


          lone in 3k so op ..sniper is in meta with this huri pike mjolmir etc
          weaver in 4k build is lance phase deso bkb in ur bracket everyone is trash together with u stupid trash suck dicks retard
          first pick am pa in ur bracket is same as lastpick u fucking trash shit dogshit cucumber potato retard

          Lets do Science

            Techies and Treant. both seem universally played by idiots who want to lose games from the start.


              just go fuck yourslef and letme kill ur mother ok?garbage shit ty for listening

              Fee Too Pee

                ah forgot two , lifestealer and wk jungling.
                at least i have seen smart LCs rushing dagger and actually winning the game


                  Noob shits can't even farm brown boots and BF in 18 min even in a freefarming enviroment rofl
                  Faceless void
                  Battle fury
                  Against fucking nukers
                  Chronos teammates
                  Doesn't chrono priority targets
                  Chronos 2 enemy hero max the entire game
                  LC jungle
                  Simply -25


                    @Fee to Pee
                    Still haven't met actually good void or AM in my bracket
                    But yeah some LC are cool

                    Dire Wolf

                      techies, morph, meepo, brood. Arc it seems the people willing to pick him know how to play him.

                      Techies just sucks as a hero and the other three no one knows how to play.

                      Qop. Qop sucks right now.

                      Anonymous mode- No chat

                        nobody mentioned bs jungle? I have never won a single game with bs jungle in my team. afk farm 10min to end up with zero impact


                          Well I don't consider BS as a hero so no xd


                            T E C H I E S B O Y S

                            Dire Wolf

                              how is bs jungle any different from bs lane? Hero sucks, though I did random him and win my last game with him.

                              casual gamer

                                fucking huskar jesus christ


                                  naix jungle or sniper mid/safe


                                    When some1 randoms earth spirit or picks gyro

                                    casual gamer

                                      ^^ this dickthequick guy is 90% of the people playing ranked 4k apparently, they'd rather bitch and moan that I picked sniper than just play sensibly and take the ez win


                                        Sniper mid is ok if there isn't any counter to him
                                        But still,99% of sniper pickers are fucking braindead,making people hate whoever picks him in the first place


                                          LC Jungle afk 20mn to get shadowblade then farm 10 more mn because opponent team has sentry jungle.

                                          Fee Too Pee

                                            I pick usual hero mid, get obs ward and 2 tango. I pick sniper mid, my support said fuck you no tango for u piece of shit


                                              Earth spirit easy auto loss. I almost want to just run down mid when that hero gets picked but instead am forced to play out the long drawn out easy 40 minute loss.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Sniper is over 50% win rate in every bracket now, he's fine, just protect him and he'll win lots of games.

                                                its gonna be fun

                                                  ^agree, but it happen only if ur sniper have good positioning, and ur supp giving good view on maps, when ur team doesnt have it u can stay on fountain till end cuz that sniper gonna be the easiest target and eaten by the enemy till they fat

                                                  Massive Dynamic
