General Discussion

General DiscussionPL = garbage?

PL = garbage? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    Picked him in a game with 0 pl counters and still had super butthurt teammates. What happened to reduce this hero to 42-43% winrate in ranked?

    casual gamer

      I almost lost too, you'd think that the hero would be in an ok spot considering he's apparently pretty good against arc warden


        Nerfed back to the stone age


          He is really good versus arc warden Yes and really good in late game but in this moment dota 2 have more short games and the worst versus for pl is timber,axe,shaker , darkserr , sven and other heros in this meta.


            He got too nerfed, I miss cancer lancer

            Johnny Rico

              If he doesnt have a counter, you win no matter how.
              Now if they have a sven you daed.


                This hero is like untouched by osfrog in 2 years


                  As a PL picker this hero is sadly absolute garbage, stay away at all costs.

                  casual gamer

                    looks like the big nerf was .4 agi gain, plus the meta shifted away from his strengths (split farming and winning at 30-40 minutes)


                      I wrote a big response to this same thing a few weeks back.

                      Basics of it is that on top of being nerfed a couple of times hasn't received a single buff since his rework 6 patches ago while other heroes have been buffed over and over and over and over, so he suffers massively from power creep. Also changes to item and new items have fucked him over - diffusal does less damage from his illusions and more from main heroes, rain drops help screw over his early game killing power with spirit lance, changes to other items like drums have wrecked his item progression (I tried echo sabre in a recent game...didn't feel like it did that much for him).

                      Falls off late game against any AoE and can't really try for an early game snowballing type roll either. Unlike PA with Vlads+Deso you can get easy pick offs from level 7 since dagger has been buffed several times recently so now is a 4 second 50% slow on 7 second cooldown which also applies any on hit effects and scales directly proportional to how much physical damage PA has so scales throughout the game - spirit lance has a similar cooldown but like 10 times the mana cost so he is just incapable of spamming it in order to secure a kill unless he has a Kotl sitting in the lane with him.


                        he's now a mid hero instead of carry (the BoT rush build is absolute garbage now imo) and has weird power spikes that you need to keep in mind of, and play at, the most obvious of which is of course when you get diffusal blade