General Discussion

General DiscussionI deserve a higher riki winrate

I deserve a higher riki winrate in General Discussion

    No u don't


      if you were to deserve it, you'd have it



        No u don't


          No u dont.. U r right where u r supposed to be and u will be at the same plc unlesss u learn to play riki as a roaming support..


            @Oreo Madness!!
            I can't hear you from my normal skill bracket you scrub vhs player playing a hard carry hero as a support winning games and shit


              He went 28/2 and lost and you guys think he deserved to lose?


                44/3 in 1 hour game 4 months ago and lost?! WTF!!! ofc you deserve a better winrate. Then again matchmaking should be balanced, and balanced i mean MORE BALANCED WITH UNCUNNING ACCURACY.

                Mode adiman

                  1k boi lmao

                  ♥ sleepy ♥

                    You don't, look at your tower damage in some of those games. In one you went 20 something to 2 and you didn't hit a tower once


                      @Vanqu1sh 1k isn't just a mmr It's a way of lifestyle

                      Mode adiman
                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          Riki can carry but his skills have so much ganking potential so he can be roamer early game (when there is rarely detection) to help the team get kills. And normal skills almost never buy detection and vision so Riki is like God in that bracket.
                          Could have gone BattleFury though... Whoa I thought BattleFury was a trend when he was just remade. Where is it now?


                            I never understand how u can get such high kda and lose. I get low kda and win. Then I remembered that dota is about hitting towers and not heroes


                              @sleepydendi Riki is not a pusher but when I see a game that was over during the first 5minutes I just fuck around try to get an gold/items advantage by murdering people but I know that I can't push against sniper/lina/invoker I try 1 or 2 times to push and die without touching the tower then never push again.


                                ^ that's cause u r filthy Riki picker. Riki can't really hit buildings. So U don't deserve to win. U do deserve an award or something for playing well though.

                                [MAFIA]Mak Kau Hijau

                                  dota is about team work and tower pushing...not your kills...


                                    do u even have a pride?


                                      There is no team in AXE

                                      PMS Mantra

                                        Riki is best described in two words: Purple Haze.


                                          I think the problem is the skill level, you are in normal skill,

                                          In my experience while in normal skill match, you cant rely on yourself only, unless you dominate all their heroes. Normal skill match is hell for me, there were times that i feel i did a great job for doing something but in the end we lose the game. Players in normal skill are good, but most of them are bad and feeds the enemy heroes etc.

                                          My advice for you, get out from that skill level, or if u are going to be the carry, pick something that has a great scaling compare to other heroes, there are many good carry heroes other than riki, explore more.

                                          Im in very high skill right now, i already see the difference.


                                            Riki is nowhere near a hard carry. Just play him as a support and let your cores get kills and space for farming and eventually you will win games.


                                              ↑↑No, you can play him carry or support. Just be creative. In the competitive scene he is played as support. But in the pub games i saw some 6k mmr 7k mmr games playing riki hard carry.

                                              Just like io. 9k mmr player plays io hard carry and wins the game. But in competitive scene he was actually a support. It depends how creatve you are as a player.

                                              I repeat. Major problem i see is the skill level. And i think you can do and improve more with him as time goes by.

                                              360 AWP no SCOPE

                                                check my riki build if u want to win u scrub :)


                                                  ^^ I think ietass is better that you

                                                  360 AWP no SCOPE

                                                    KDA only :) does he pull the enemy creep to jungle while pushing? does he even push?

                                                    360 AWP no SCOPE

                                                      I have more average assist and kills and just a little bit more deaths
                                                      mine 62.86%
                                                      WIN RATE
                                                      KDA RATIO

                                                      WIN RATE
                                                      KDA RATIO

                                                      M U R D E R

                                                        buy manta rat towers/disturb with illusions. trust me it works - riki is a stats hero and therefore his illusions hit hard af + diffusal. even use manta when picking off because they hit quite good in the smoke too.

                                                        360 AWP no SCOPE

                                                          ^ mjolnir, maelstorm or battlefury better for riki pushing? riki has a low base movespeed 290 so chasing with manta illu isnt gud for killing heroes. NC winrate and Kda btw but u never built manta?

                                                          M U R D E R

                                                            it might not be that good for chasing but if you stun/bash or target is just squishy he won't survive. manta style riki if 6 slotted is one of most powerful damage dealers in game so yeah man

                                                            also by pushing i mean actually hitting towers

                                                            battle fury is viable in certain lineups, only because his ultimate multi-cleave hits really hard (like 5k dps man)


                                                              u dont win games by getting a high kda rate


                                                                @Slimshady leave my smurf account alone look at the link.
                                                                You build the same items as I do probably play the same hard carry way but you get good teammates thats why you have higher winrate

                                                                Boi Danny

                                                                  I can help. I'm 4900 so I know what I'm talking about.


                                                                    Well.. u not only deserve the winrate.. u deserve the skill bracket as well cuck..

                                                                    This just proves the level of understanding that u have about the game and where certain heroes fit BEST..

                                                                    U r a stoopid shit.. Who thinks "I am killing so much why aren't we wining#)8£/&??" "My team sucks! :-))&)8£/&" "I am soo good that I have such high KDA we lost coz my team sucked"
                                                                    No FUCK u.. u lose coz u r not playing dota.. u r playing sum shit game that NS player call "dota" and as long as u play that.. u deserve the loss doesn't matter how much fcking KDA u r doing..

                                                                    PMS Mantra

                                                                      Used to have this problem on Lina all the time. Went 20-2 and lost all the time. Was told over and over by the hc that if you want to average that on a hero, then you need to be playing a hero that can 1v5 the enemy team.


                                                                        @[BB]CardonaNotta exactly I understood that the hard way I had the same issue as well with lina absolute zero wins


                                                                          tinker is in the same place.
                                                                          can get KDA over 10 in 20 minutes, but no twr dmg and if ur carries dont use that space...
                                                                          ez -25


                                                                            @AA If they have average IQ or slightly above they should know to push when all enemy getting killed by my hands tho.


                                                                              Take it from me, I have a 64% win rate in riki, in the current meta since riki has no regen u need sustain in lane, make a headress for early regen and decent stats, carry an iron branch and a shared tango for that extra regen.
                                                                              Riki also suffers from low mana pool and no regen, literally.
                                                                              So you want to use smoke wisely, use it only to save team-mates or secure killlmax your 3rd by levl 7 with a point each in smoke and blink along with your ult.
                                                                              If the item build making phase boots is more beneficial for riki so he can chase down running foes. He has low movement speed so thhat extra burst helps in securing kills. After phase boots you want to rush echo sabre. Literally no one, i mean no one makes echo-sabre on riki because of well no knowledge of how it works.
                                                                              Essentially it gives you 2 free backstabs on heros. like 250+ damage at level 7.
                                                                              The extra int and mana regen also helps a lot along with making you a bit more tanky with that extra strength. The benefit of this build is that riki comes online a whole 10 mins faster than the usual 18 mins. If you solo offlane you can gank any hero except maybe bb,ck or really tanky ones by min 7. Aim to make the echo sabre by 9 mins or so along with a poor mans sheild, phase boots and a headress.
                                                                              Then make the diffusal, the echo sabre helps you in getting the kills which makes diffusal come even faster. You hould upgrade the headress to a vlads for lifesteal and mana ragen. Now make manta style, not sange and yaha because you can slow with echo sabre as well so the extra illusion and debuff using manta is really helpful as well. (It removes bounty's trac and slardar's amplify damage and dust of appearance so you dont waste diffusal charges). Byt this time you should be looking to end the game, the abyssal blade the your next item of choice since it makes you really hard to kill and gives you a very strong disable. If you have now won the game by now its just a mater of time before you lose. Makinga butterfly will help you only a little. Eventually when the 1 hr mark crosses you are looking at making a blink dagger and a refresher orb to stay alive.


                                                                                I'll try the phase boots/mantal/abyssal but echo sabre is garbage on riki
                                                                                Refresher might be good also




                                                                                    I feel you mate, look at my riki too. Struggling to win, I mainly play riki position 4 ,I do wards,snipe cor and roam. I got good kda but my team holding me back. Xd. Memes hehe


                                                                                      Danny pls xd


                                                                                        No you don't you lose because you got outplayed, that fat of an riki and lose that only mean one thing stealkill and you don't even know the word push and kill the fucking accient when you are winning wow Riki is one of the fucking ez hero to play and you still lose then you got to re-think you skill on riki man

                                                                                        Boi Danny

                                                                                          I know how you feel. Too many people holding us back.


                                                                                            It is kinda hard to push against 5 while your team is AFK in base with 2early game items.

                                                                                            Another example of AFK team circle jerking each other

                                                                                            M U R D E R

                                                                                              its easy to stomp normalskills as riki if you are decent, but it's hard to win if your team doesn't push.

                                                                                              thats why you buy Treads DIffusal2 Manta Skadi(yes, not echo sabre but skadi for slow) and rat all the towers by yourself, killing anyone who TP's in to stop your illusions from tearing the tower down.

                                                                                              If your team lacks lockdown (or you cant rely on it) buy BAsher/Abyssal of course.

                                                                                              Always use diffusal if you feel the need to, coz you can buy new one as it offers perfect stats for you.

                                                                                              If you decide to go Phase Boots, feel free to max smoke 1st instead of Cleak&Dagger because the latter doesn't scale with raw dmg and miss% is OP in early game.

                                                                                              You shouldn't actually fear the ultra-late game as Riki though, unless your team is dogshit or just doesn't scale well.
