General Discussion

General DiscussionMy win rate is really low on Rubick and SK :(

My win rate is really low on Rubick and SK :( in General Discussion

    Please feel free to criticize me on what I have been doing wrong in my Rubick and SK games

    casual gamer

      dont pick rubick ever thank you


        Sk is OP right now , how can you lose man ?


          @JDF8 I wont but having a low wr is not a good enuf reason to not pick it ever... you need to elaborate a bit more on why I shudnt pick it which was my question in the first place - " please criticize me on what I have been doing wrong"... not " dont ever play the hero again "



            Say that to my alchemist winrate pls


              Try to play sk roaming support
              Max skill 1 3

              casual gamer

                not u in particular, rubick is just a game losing shit hero in 90% of players' hands, same as windrunner


                  so u mean rubick needs a buff or it has a high skill cap ?

                  COOKED ONES PT. II

                    Hi, I watched a couple of your recent SK games apart from fundamentals (Knowing where to farm knowing when to gank/counter gank, Where to tp) There are a couple sand king issues i noticed.

                    - Missing burrow strikes when they SHOULD be hero targeted
                    - Throwing down burrow too quickly instead of waiting to see if you can possibly multi hero burrow-strike (taking an extra second or two to think it through is a big deal)
                    - Laning. Ok so most of what i saw was you offlaning as sand king, this right here could be where your winrate is suffering in my opinion, I think you should avoid this personally unless you have a hero to go with you, It's all well & good but if you want to offlane but you want to go burrow sandstorm instead of caustic.

                    Here's why, you can farm neutrals with sandstorm FAR safer than always being on the lane static farming and pushing it needlessly with caustic, not to mention missing alot of lasthits, Afk farming with sandstorm is far less fun that Popping creep waves in one hit i get it...But it's far more consistent and safe if you farm with sandstorm. You also force supports to buy sentries and dust.

                    - You aren't rotating to gank. too much static farming imo, Instead take epicenter at 6 and smoke gank a lane you know you can get a kill.

                    The biggest tip i can give you that sandking is amazing at playing a trilane support, Like if you see a self sufficient solo offlane pick (such as timbersaw) just go with your carry & support and own the lane, Farm the jungle for exp and roam whenever you can keeping ganks up.

                    casual gamer

                      rubick as far as I understand currently exists as a counterpick to heroes like enigma and maybe tidehunter only. it is possible to have huge impact (start fight with lift + storm hammer, cast both then steal burrowstrike) even when not counterpicking but it is extremely difficult as you are very frail and have minimal positioning items (blink or force, maybe both in lategame or even both + aghs)

                      so IMO he needs a buff AND is high skill cap, which is the worst combination of flaws a hero can have for pubs

                      for a hero like rubick my (rudimentary, I suck at these heroes) advice is to have in mind what u want to steal before fights start. keep a list of priority spells like storm hammer, wraith blast, burrowstrike, many ults, blink, etc. make sure u avoid getting too close and being stunned/dying, u want to be the last guy to walk into a fight usually

                      for SK u really want to farm with this hero in downtime, he does a ton with gold. theres 2 ways to use ur spells basically. one is to say "fuck u" to 1 hero like slark and try to oneshot him from fog with ur team with epi->blink->burrow, the other is to let everyone else go in first and then land ur spells on a couple heroes clumped up (still channel epi in fog pls).

                      I haven't looks at ur replays but those are basic things that u might not have thought of


                        Oh, look at my ember
                        I know him probably better that any other carry-hero can do all combos like chase by ulti-fist-chains (played him a lot on another acc, at ~48% wr)
                        But this 27% wr is just a couple of things
                        - short distance
                        - includes "learning period" with only loses
                        - ember rarely can carry in solo (m.b. only when snowballing from mid)
                        - I was picking him early or if he is actually not good vs enemys pick just to practice

                        So, if u like SK just prac more, ur winrate will grow someday

                        P.S. I ve got bad history (kinda 20% wr) on QoP on another acc, but after "tryharding" her for some weeks my wr became over 60% (and over 70% in those recent matches)

                        casual gamer

                          ^^ you have many deaths for ember, especially in his current slightly gimpy state. I can go all in on damage items and still not carry my team even if I'm mega farmed and don't get caught, and games often end before I can hit my power spike of 3 major items (2 crit + 1 bf)


                            Rubick is plain bad in this meta, 22 sec cd on his stun make him a suboptimal hero atm, most supports in the meta have low cd stuns, slows. I hope he gets a buff in this cd because hes my most played hero and I also struggle quite hard to win games with him (54% wr, but slightly over 40% in ranked since vhs), if you still wanna play him I recommend you to learn how to reach lvl 6 prior min 10 on a consistent basis, but thats a staple for almost any support, however when you get your lvl 6 you pretty much reach the power pike with him, you need to premeditate which skills you can steal to make the most impact in a teamfight.
                            I havent seen any of ur games so I cant really tell what you fail at.