General Discussion

General Discussioncome on...

come on... in General Discussion
    Guyz plzzzzz lets push
    -not now
    Guyz plzzzzzz contest rosh
    Guyz plzzzzz stop fighting we die the same way
    -No one listen we goooooo and die the same way fuck me

    PMS Mantra

      I don't meant to make this any worse than it already is but.. you lost to a CM that didn't even have boots.

      I'm so sorry.


        like i give a fuck about this dogshit cm but u are making me feel worse plz more i want to feel guilty so i stop flaming my team plz tell me i deserve to lose cuz of me and not my team i know that my team played the game flawlessly no mistakes it's me who screwed them i need to go LP for the whole year valve u fucking piece of shit when u will realise that my team mates wont report me cuz they are good souls so plz send me to LP i know i deserve it and u know fucking imblanced shit

        PMS Mantra

          I honestly do feel you should have won that. I get them sometimes, those games where my team just down right will not push even if certain defeat is the absolute alternative. I mean, what can you do about such reckless idiocy?


            ^^ look at this game
   (skywrath picks after me and wants mid told him i love dual mid lane and the best of us gets the farm) same situation still won
