General Discussion

General Discussionhow the fuck do i play mid when there are people camping me like autists

how the fuck do i play mid when there are people camping me like autists in General Discussion
not arin
    pa against me mid.
    rubick diving with tusk constantly, regardless if i waste astral on lane and then got dived or i save it and astral myself when they jump me, i still die.
    over time i fall more and more behind and i cant go absolutely anywhere.

    pudge sitting in my trees east from my t1. he goes from one side, jugger goes from the other. either way i die.
    jugg gets fast bottle phase, arcane rune. kills me with omnislash + spin.
    does it again.
    i go to jungle.
    they just go in and i die over and over.

    what the fuck am i supposed to do in situations like this
    when they can just kill me whenever they please as soon as i appear on the map
    im pretty sure that anyone 1k+ above my rating would be able to deal with this shit even if there were 3 ppl sitting on his lane constantly but HOW


      call your teammates to help


        u dont play mid. u just keep them interested enough to stay middle then let your other lanes win. u dont need to carry every game to win.


          Lmao it happened to me too , enemy es and phoenix camped behind the t1 trees mid , while im a tinker being a sitting duck and if i go to jungle they follow wtf

          Johnny Rico

            i am getting ganked each minute when i play mid (my last 2 mid games, tony and jug, each with 4-5 ganks before minute 10), good thing is that my sups never help.


              get better at laning let the creeps stay close to your tower without your tower hitting them and pushing, keep the waves at ur highground. If u get dived u can outplay people and maybe get a kill or escape almost every hero has some kinda turnaround potential - Astral and laser here

              not arin

                call your teammates to help

                they dont come

                but there must be something to do against it
                if it was an uncounterable strategy then everyone would be doing it

                Livin' Real Good

                  You think you have it bad?

                  I remember one time I was Shadow fiend, i had my team going " Gg noob mid " because I was 0-4 against a Invoker mid (which is already a bad match up) Spirit breaker constantly charging me, a Natures Profit constantly TPing on me, and to top it off, the solo support tusk just standing there waiting to snow ball me.

                  I remember dying and sarcastically saying " 4 mid " everytime I died, was barely like 8 minutes in. rofl

                  No wards (sure you can say buy your own wards, but nahhhh' I dont wanna hear it, i always do) no help, nothing. xd


                  Oh, and one last thing, my team still lost their lanes.

                  Boi Danny

                    Git Gud

                    M U R D E R

                      yeah its funny when everyone is flaming you for dieing when you get dived. even though they did not tp to help you 1 time

                      casual gamer

                        buy 5 fairy fires + stick


                          It certainly always seems whenever I go mid it's always the enemy ganking me (unless I am playing with my Riki spammer friend). Never gank for me, never tp in to help me. Still usually win my lane as Zeus anyway even despite all that.
