General Discussion

General DiscussionShould i gid gud or should i make a new account

Should i gid gud or should i make a new account in General Discussion

    I started playing dota around 7 month ago. When i got my ranked game i instantly play it and feed a lot . Then i realize that i got 1,2 mmr which make me very sad. So i dont want to play ranked again so i play unranked a lot and got back to rank like around 1 month ago and play ranked to see if i got better. Surpisingly i stomp the ranked game and unranked too. I want to grind my mmr but i have a little time for that. Should i make a new account and recaliberate or should i just grind my mmr to 2 k.

    Ps. I have around 2,5 mmr on my unranked game


      By the time you calibrate a new account you'd already reach the MMR you deserve
      Unless you want to practice against 3k like how I use my smurf


        Also try to not play MMR in SEA at fridays
        More annoying toxic kids compared to weekends


          Xd i only can play at weekend


            So do I
            Had some free time this and last friday so I decided to go MMR
            Mistakes were made


              I thought i could easily get 3k what is your thought about that