General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes to play while lag

Heroes to play while lag in General Discussion
Hanamichi Sakuragi

    Do not state cores and carries cause I will miss 99.99% of my last hits and get rekt at lane.
    Any braindead supports that I can play? Or is there actually no braindead support to play?


      I don't know why would you even play dota while having lag, but to answer your question silencer(press r),cm i guess but you would be wasting your strong early game pressence with that hero but the aura would be nice. lich, veno

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        I thought of the same shit too. Too bad if there was such a hero, it would be too overpowered. I suggest Techies.




            just R your any random hero in thr team fight and use W-E every time they are off cooldown


              depent on your lag. if the lag only when you are lh just plY defensive supp. if the lag when the war clash pick kunkka or hero that can spam skill in behind. if your movement lag just dont play dota pls

              Hanamichi Sakuragi

                Lich is a good idea, thanks.


                  i played zeus when i had 10 fps


                    invoker and meepo obviously

                    jk, simple heroes with simple roles: lich, bara, cm, bane, omni, dazzle, warlock, techies


                      Believe me get bh or riki. :-)

                      lm ao



                          think tree is the traditional answer....


                            Wk is the answer


                              Are u actually that desperate to play eventho ur laging? I would stop playing once my ping or connection becomes unstable. For me makes zero fcking ZERO sense to play when you know u are laging

                              Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                I have nothing else to do whenever I get home. I also have a very limited amount of time on playing it. So might as well play it.
                                Just for this few weeks to come I will have 400 ping and 22% packet loss at most.


                                  Pick a jungling core, like LS. You will be farmed and the hero is pretty much there among the easiest so no timings required.


                                    WK support
                                    1 button to rule them all




                                        wk or luna or some no brain pusher

                                        still, please don't play on ranked with lag for the sake of the game


                                          4k with 15-40 fps :v just play supps that dont have much active abilities and dont require too much fast reactions. Getting a good pc next month which can run dota maxed out 90+fps. GOTTA GET MY REAL 9K MMR 4HEAD


                                            The answer is very obvious. Pick lifestealer and go afk jungle. U can do lc, ursa and axe jungle too but these are blink heroes who cant be played well at high lag. Lifestealer is therefore the go-to hero for high lag

                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                              Techies, otherwise just don't play dota


                                                I once won a game where the lag was so bad I could not see the image most of the time. Pings were 3,000 to 10,000. I was I built vlads, carried dust and selected to follow my juggernaut around as an aura and a distraction. He could take lots of risks and whenever he was attacked I just spammed spells until i died while he got away.

                                                The result was he won the game basically by himself with split push.

                                                The main thing is in a game with bad lag, you have to adjust builds to passives and stats and non-targeted abilities. Then hope for the best. Make sure autoattack is on. The worst thing is to die while standing still to a hero you could have killed with attacks.

                                                If the lag is intermittent, then attack very aggressively when its good and hide andfarm when its bad.

                                                ARC WARDEN

                                                  dont play dota when lag, make ur ally trying harder to win a match.


                                                    I suggest playing techies. Godlike spree while lag lol