General Discussion

General Discussionlinken's sphere question

linken's sphere question in General Discussion

    Firstly , im only a 1k player so please dont get pissed off if i say something wrong or something that's completely obvious. And secondly im sure this question has been asked and answered many times but im still not sure about it.

    Okay so ...... linken's sphere on morphling is a good item but in my knowledge it's a situational item so i dont get why pros make it every game.
    When looking at the price, stats and regen, wouldnt it be better (when linken's sphere is not that necessary) to make dragon lance + aquila + infused raindrop + helm of dominator for the same price?



      Slot eaters
      Plus linken allows morph to play uber agressively
      Idk I don't play morph rofl


        simple, if you look at any morph item it's a stat item that gives lots of stats, the hero works on agi + str.

        so anything that comes from ultimate orb is pretty good on him, that's why his other items are skadi and manta

        ofc eblade obviously best agi item


          You can morph str and give linken to an ally.


            linkens does scale into lategame
            it is useful early on too, cz it allows u not to die when ur only aim is to find farm, and u need kills anyways - all u care about is surviving.

            < blank >

              Got summoned by the word "aim"


                morph is slot starved


                  As for the stats dragon lance and linken's sphere are pretty similar.
                  For scaling into late game, HOD goes into satanic which is pretty good.
                  And for slots eblade+BOT+manta+skadi+statnic+butterfly looks like a pretty decent 6 slot (i know itembuild is situation but this is a common one)


                    u dont want to have satanic as morphling and any soruce fo lfiesteal is a waste of slot early on in most pub games

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      They should only buy it if they have to aggressively farm and not die. They buy it every game because it's a good build-up with regen and stats.


                        Never watch Pro games to understand items its counterproductive unless you're 6k++++.
                        instead do what you just did.
                        think for yourself and you're already almost 4-5k instead of 1k. Im not even joking.
                        I wish more 5k players had the presence of mind that you have and thought for themselves instead of spamming whats "right".


                          the fuck did ij ust read


                            isnt watching a pro game and asking yourself why they bought a certain item thinking for yourself???????????


                              the thing is dogshit players dont spam whats right they are still building brownboots battlefury on am




                                  dogshit players cant make the right items useful and sometimes its optimal for them to go for smthng else assumnig 10-10 players in the game are garbage
                                  thats what i think he meant


                                    when I started playing dota I built tranquils on morph just cuz he felt way to fucking slow ROFL



                                      It also makes Morphling basically impossible to catch. If you have a replicate up then the moment your linken's pops you press R and you're safe. They can use AOE disables on you but most of those have longish cast times and poor ranges so you can see it coming and GTFO. Most instant disables are single target, so linkens gives you that instant to react which you normally wouldn't have because they have to waste time popping it.
                                      There are some ways around it of course. Riki's cloud is an excellent disable because it doesn't care about linkens and you wont see riki coming until its too late. Global silence and Puck with a blink into silence are other ways to catch morph out. But if your team doesn't have those things, catching a linken's morph is really hard.

                                      casual gamer

                                        linkens solves a lot of problems that morph has simultaneously and is a great choice if not the best choice in almost every game

                                        the only time I remember skipping linkens is extreme poverty due to laning vs a dominant hero 1v1

                                        reaL stöge :D

                                          it gives good stats and regen. morph is one of the best pub stompers atm... im playing him pretty much in 2-3k averages stacked with my friends cos ppl dont have an idea how to counter him...


                                            Okay if morphling gets a free farm lane or a decent lane then its definitely worth buying linken's sphere. However if you are put up against a really tough matchup or are required to participate in fights quite often then is it worth to buy the cheap stat items and life steal etc listed above? (As saving for a 2100 gold item can be hard in those stuations)

                                            Ps thanks for all the help


                                              But brown boots bf AM so gud cuz faster bf timing


                                                Same thing with AM,playing a flashfarming hero as an early teamfighter isn't efficient
                                                Getting some stat efficient items is fine but don't invest too much gold on em


                                                  if you are put up against a really hard lane you shouldnt stay in that lane or you should tell your team to help you.. you dont wanna play morph and got 50 cs by 10min mark, thats just retarded.
                                                  Linken is really good for morph (stats, spell block, regen). However dragon lance is also good early game if you really cant afford to save 2100 gold. i remember watching meracle play morph and went force staff first (not a good idea but if you know what are you doing then why not)

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    ^^ lunatic go look this replay and tell me what I should do in the laning phase


                                                      normal laning phase ? whats wrong with that ?


                                                        i really dont know what r u trying to say

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          I had to 1v1 max atrophy underlord and he bought QB and deny all creeps, I was on tilt and got flamed for FP morph (basically nobody was going to come help)

                                                          idk what I was really trying to say though with previous comment tbh


                                                            HEY MORON DONT PLAY MORPH IF UR 1K. HES NOT A 1K HERO.


                                                              generally its hard to lane against underlord with max 3rd. Well you're not bad actually.. but with that draft.. mehhh no chance. you got countered so hard


                                                                  does am counter morph? if morph have no mana that means he is dead right?


                                                                    Morph has high physical dmg too though


                                                                      Morph has high physical dmg too though


                                                                        AM is the morphling counterpick. I'm sure if you let it reach 6 slot vs 6 slot morph physical damage and replicate is annoying to deal with but generally 20-40 minutes as AM you should have a big farm lead and mana burn+mana void are really good spells to deal with morphling.


                                                                          I think drow counters morph more becuz morph is weak as shit mid game for some reason when drow owns and ends. Also silence.


                                                                            Satanic is fine on morph what are u on about


                                                                              Thanks for answering my thread yestd btw ctrlx