General Discussion

General DiscussionHow fast your improve?

How fast your improve? in General Discussion

    I want to know when you guys start started playing DOTA and how many your calbirated then how many your mmr now
    I mean REALLY REALLY just started playing DOTA or any kind like this game (the time when you think boots doesn't important)
    I start playing dota in April 2015 get 1,2k calibrated mmr now my mmr is 3,3k is it fast enough?
    i need motivation to grind my mmr up
    and if you dont mind, tell me how you improve


      I calibrated at 1.6k and I am at 3.7k now. I had 440 ranked matches so far (incl. party ranked). Ranked winrate is at ~63%.

      M U R D E R

        i feel like i've improved a serious lot since last spring (when i started playing again)

        just watched pro games, learned some from cookie, but most importantly played with vhs players via smurf or acc trade.


          august 2014 2400 mmr today 4250 made couple smurfs but i win every single mmr desrved to 4k.
          have 450 tinkers and 2k hours on dota.


            I calibrated at 92 mmr now Im on 1.4k ez

            M U R D E R

              ^ pogchamp 0% winrate didn't think that was possible in 20+ matches


                @Black. EYES I was throwing dude. TPing my teammates to base. Seems like it helped getting over depression after I broke up with my 4 year gf.

                Preap Sovath

                  576 matches from almost hny eve of 2015 till now.

                  1.3-2.1 k

                  Peak 2.3


                    Started playing DOTA 11 months ago (new to MOBAs)

                    First ranked 7 months ago, calibrated at 1k flat

                    2.6k now 211 matches (incl. party)
                    With 64~% winrate

                    Dire Wolf

                      I have no clue, I started playing before mmr and ranked.


                        Started from dota2 havent played 1 (i hated d1 tbh) and its 2 years calibrated @900 made this acc as a smurf (lulz) and its 3k i improved a lot but ofc i need to improve a lot more (way way more)


                          @dire wolf sure man i see the pantheon thing next to ur name.


                            I played dota 1 and I got into the beta very early on but I never really played seriously and I took long breaks to play other games and stuff. When ranked came out I got really into dota, that is when I started taking the game seriously after I calibrated at a personally disappointing 3.9k and dropping to 3.7k after spamming some games. When 6.83 rolled around I went full tryhard mode and spammed Jugg+Troll to 5.5k and since then I've always been improving both my mmr and my actual skill while playing pretty much only dota.

                            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                              I calibrated 4090 the first time, and dropped to 3.6 because I used to be a bad manner guy and get mad easy. I made a try a year ago and climbed to 4.900 and droped again to 4.5 , I stopped playing ranked, and a week ago I give it a try, now I'm 4.7


                                Hello! Ive played since oktober 2014, about when my girl friends started playing. We all came from TF2 or some shit. I calibrated my mar as soon as ranked was available for my level (which i REALLY don't recommend) And got like 1.2k or some shit. I stopped playing ranked because I thought it was boring af. I only played unranked with my friends and we had a lot of good times. When the new ranked system came out I calibrated 2.8k solo and 2.9k party. I only got 40 games on solo though, so my party mar was at 2.5k :/ Then I wanted to play on a higher skill level. So me and some friends played a lot of party. And in 2 weeks (I think, maybe 3) Ive climbed from 2.5k to 3.2k :)

                                Im mostly playing midders, and sometimes safe lane core or offline (when I play with ppl on 4k I go with roam sup)
                                I would say that you need to enjoy the game a lot before you can go on and climb mmr. You can't really force yourself to climb mmr if you don't think its fun. If you've only played ranked games since Apr 2015, Id say its and ok climbing speed. But not fantastic.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    If I only look at ranked I think I'm slightly higher than where I calibrated, I don't really remember. I think I was 3300-3400. My ranked win rate is almost exactly 50% but I know my party mmr has dropped a ton which is the discrepancy. So maybe a 300 pt improvement or so.

                                    I know I was normal skill when I started playing in 2012 and terribad. Probably went from 2k to 3k in unranked or something.


                                      dont play past midnight. When you lose take 30 min break. Follow those advice and you get tons of mmr. I started this experiment this week and i already got 600 mmr.


                                        I calibrated 1.5k solo and 1.8k party 2 years ago.
                                        Now 4.3 solo and 5.1 party


                                          I was 2.4k 2 months ago now im 3.7k.


                                            2014 calibrated at 1800 now i make smurf and calibrated at 3400


                                              First time playing 2012
                                              Never touched the game again until late 2014, started playing seriously about mid 2015
                                              Calibrated 1.2k
                                              Now 1.9k
                                              Ye I went from an ultimate trash to a n uber trash
                                              It's kinda hard to keep consistency when you play like 2-3 matches a week


                                                Started in 2014, never played games like Dota before, calibrated at 3.6k solo, 2.4k party. Right now I'm 5.6k solo, 5.1k party.


                                                  started somewhere a few months before ti3, calibrated at 4.9, 6.6 atm


                                                    i dont improve at all

                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                      Started in early 2014, never played moba's or strategies before, so I played nothing but pubs for a year cause I was scared to play ranked, and also didn't want to calibrate low (thought I knew how the system worked, but apparently I didn't) so I ended up calibrating to 1.9 January 2015, now i'm 4.5. Climbing out of 2K took like a month and a half, but climbing out of 3K, took an incredibly long time cause I was just playing to play the game, not really playing to improve, now i'm trying to improve and watch streams, pro gameplay, watch tips and tricks, and maybe finally hit 5K and quit. lol

                                                      Good luck on your climb.


                                                        played 1 year without practicing, just casual dotes with a friend from school.

                                                        then he quit and i started tryharding, so in about 1.5 years went from 1k to 5k

                                                        then i stopped trying and just went onto playing casual again on 1-3k smurfs
