General Discussion

General DiscussionRandom in games

Random in games in General Discussion

    What do you think about first pick random? Why do I have the feeling that a lot of players instantly lose all hope for victory the second they see someone randoming in their team, even if it is first pick? I assume it is the players insecurity who doesn't play all heroes(or the majority of them) and he starts projecting them on others.

    What I personally can't stand is people who random and repick, means they are not able to play all heroes in the game, yet have the urge to try out their luck.


      Im more upset at ppl that randoms a weak hero in the patch (although they know how to play), prob gonna get rekt by meta heroes anyways. I mean its 3k games im playing so


        Any player who randoms basically instantly tilts me, even if they don't random an awful hero or something they can't play properly they are set themselves up to get counterpicked. Ranked is all about playing to win, draft is a massive part of this and for me saying 'lol I'd rather let random chance decide our draft rather than any semblance of intelligent teamwork or decision making' is a big fuck you to your teammates. I wouldn't pick garbage like sniper or first pick counterable heroes like AM or Meepo, so I expect the same level of respect from my teammates.


          gg ff reported


            I random all the time in unranked only


              Randoming pos 5 support and giving bottle for your middle since start is +25 usually. But generally randoming hero u are not good with result in a free win for enemy. 1 weak player in team is usually enough for the enemy to win in higher brackets. Thats what Cutnpaste means.

              On lower brackets its not that crucial for the win.


                +200 starting gold

                i mean seriously, that shit needs a nerf


                  Randoming hero is really absolutely situational and only for high versatile players who doesn't know what to pick because all of their favourite heroes are already countered in enemy picks. if u wanna random a hero u better play with bots as u trying to learn a hero u rarely pick it or never use it.

                  Livin' Real Good

                    ^ That logic behind that doesn't make any sense though.

                    So if the enemy team picks many heroes that counter your usual favorite heroes, you just random to possibly make things worse? (let's say you random a hero you don't play, or you random another hero that they counter) lol

                    @cookie, for real huh, then no one would be randoming


                      I tend to random because I suck with just a few heroes. If I get a hard carry I try to ask someone to random and give me whatever he randoms so I can support with it. It is +200 gold after the swaps for the team and +200 for me if I don't swap.

                      Mainly when the team has the attitude of "oh you randomed, let them finish mid" the game becomes harder, and when they take it with some sense of humor it is mainly a hardcore stomp.

                      Here is an example of such a game on my freshest smurf:
                      see the game on the bottom of the post

                      I don't ask for the swap in ranked game tho, because there are people who see it as an insult for someone to random, and I think cutnpaste thinks the same way. They just can't wrap their head around the fact that someone can actually play all heroes in the game.
                      I know, I said that there are heroes that I suck with, but that doesn't mean that I play them like a 1k-er but more about 1k till .5k bellow my average mmr.

                      This paranoia that someone is going to counterpick a random makes me laugh tho, what prevents someone from counterpicking any hero in the game?

                      Edit: i don't get why the last paragraph is a link in this post.
                      Edit2: lets try something here
                      Edit3: I just had to move the game to the end of the post because I don't really know how to end a url on dotabuff.

                      Optimus Drip

                        Just let me have offlane. I don't care what anyone else does. I will my lane and you can lose yours with extra gold. I hate people.

                        casual gamer

                          ^ supports like kunkka, sd, ww are first picked because who fucking cares if they get countered, randoming a pos 1 sniper is just going to lead to sadness when the enemy team picks SS, bara, pa etc.

                          the issue is three-fold. when you random you often are not as familiar with the hero as if you just picked ur normal heroes. in addition, you have to play better to make up for the fact that the hero is probably not one of the top 10% best heroes. to make this worse, if you FP random a pos 1-3 ur going to get at least 1 counterpick, probably 2, which can completely ruin ur game

                          it's not paranoia. if you FP random morph ur going to end up playing against sand king offlane + aa + antimage + OD or some shit, honestly so cancerous that you dont even want to load into the game, and that's with morph being one of the best heroes in the game atm

                          Full Давай

                            At least fp morph can work out as offlane utility STR morph and out draft enemy

                            but if someone randoms heroes that have only core build...

                            Optimus Drip

                              I mean .... imagine how good it would be if I randomed techies though.


                                So 3 heroes are countering the morphling, is he playing a game 1 vs 5 or did I miss something?

                                You just literally made the best possible argument to random, someone picking instantly heroes against this one. What prevents your team from doing the same thing?
                                Classic carry mentality. There is only one hero who makes the decisions, and disabling that hero is a instant loss.

                                On top of all that, support morphling is also a thing, and what if they counterpick a support hero?
                                One dimensional thinking ftw.


                                  Randoming first pick is fine, those who random last pick should get low priority

                                  casual gamer

                                    yeah usually if they can pick strong heroes that completely shut down ur pos 1 the game is difficult to win

                                    offlane/support morphling is greedy as hell, cant zone, cant lh pull, cant gank until very late, sucks at saving mid, and is slow as fuck

                                    ur team can counter their heroes, pick nyx/axe for od and am, have strong lockdown and burst in support, but ur still going to have a shitty game if ur carry gets annihilated every fight

                                    aa od and am are strong without countering anything at all, the fact that they hard counter even one hero elevates them to "very likely to win". that's pretty damn simple


                                      I love how you put "that's pretty damn simple" like you made an argument.

                                      You are building your entire point around morphling getting picked, getting 2 counter picks and playing support and the AM, AA, OD are finishing the game. What prevents your team from picking any of those heroes as their second pick for example? Will you now start a rant against your own rant that those heroes are good for themself?

                                      Please I would really like to see that mental gymastic.


                                        enemy randoms morphling
                                        ally randoms techies


                                        casual gamer

                                          yeah ur team can alleviate some of the pain

                                          not every hero in the game is good to first pick, fp randoming means you can fp anyone

                                          thats basically all it boils down to