General Discussion

General Discussionsilencer > OD

silencer > OD in General Discussion
casual gamer

    seems like the best pub counter to me, i see a lot of nyx bans but no silencer bans also

    Mode adiman

      even puck is an ok counter in mid


        Everything that has silence.
        Even dp


              Chill bro. No need to get upset


                tldr this post:

                - people thinking silencer or puck are counters to od...


                  the real counter is picking omni so they cant do that clown combo that makes you break screens harder than puppey.

                    Full Давай

                      insta abandon is only cure for OD + oracle combo or OD + omni combo


                        pugna or rat

                        casual gamer

                          im just going to keep picking this and clicking r when OD goes in. Silencer's winrate in 5K is 54% when not against OD, so if he's a garbage hero he's a game winning garbage hero a la omniknight

                          for most of the game ur completely negating OD's damage in every major clash, the hero is naturally frail enough that pa/morph/whatever + axe/nyx can usually burst OD in global duration

                          yeah all silencer provides is global and some minor damage but if you kill a core in every global then that is sufficient impact, especially if you are also removing OD's snowball

                          god knows 5ks will not go bkb before veli/drum + pike + blink rofl. and if they get it before sheep thats a huge fucking victory for you anyway

                          puck, however, doesnt counter anything but gaining mmr i think


                            What position sil is this


                              pos 2 or pos 4 it seems


                                Omniknight has so high winrate that it affects heroes he plays with (e.g. OD).
                                OD on his own is trash.
                                Silencer has higher winrate than OD.
                                Haters gonna hate.

                                P.S. Silencer is Putin's favorite hero.


                                  its like just because silencer isnt picked in the pro scene, hes not viable anywhere else. I think pos 2 silencer is pretty good tbh

                                  casual gamer

                                    it is entirely possible that pos 4-5 silencer is complete garbage, i have only played 2 games of it (which is why i made the topic). It feels good, so i will keep picking it, but if i start losing then mek will have been right 4Head

                                    this game especially i think global was game winning, even though i was mega tilted my fucking 4k6 decided to take mid

                                    Story Time

                                      LoL, I spam silencer support to get high mmr :) with 57% winrate it works fine. In pubs - the best thing is that no one will counter your pick. Just note that it has to come with certain synergie from your team-picks.