General Discussion

General DiscussionVenomancer, What's his state, can you make offlane work for him and b...

Venomancer, What's his state, can you make offlane work for him and bulldogs "POOTIE POOTIE" song in General Discussion

    Good day

    I love my Veno, probably my fav.

    I ask you people. what state is this hero in?
    personally, I feel he's pretty decent as long as you don't have any slark/ Jug. Those heros own me.

    Secondly and more importantly : Can you make solo offlane VENO work effectively? I've had it work duo offlane or safe lane support but SOLO offlane still eludes me. Anyone who's successful can you assist me with that?


    Lastly, anyone know the name of the "POOTIE POOTIE" song that bulldong streams? if you could provide a name so i can find it on the youtube that could be great, sounds like some sort of Anime song but I have no idea.,

    Thanks DOTA BUFF Forum

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      No, you will just feed away gold in the offlane and POOTIE POOTIE? Dude you are high af


        Ok thanks

        Also no im not high AF.. ive seen it on his streams a few times its a stupid song but i think it is funny