General Discussion

General DiscussionDota community is getting worse than LoL's

Dota community is getting worse than LoL's in General Discussion

    I started dota 11 years ago and i really miss dota 1 times, people actually respected eachother and did not flame anyone whole game, i started dota 2 in beta times the comminty was already horrible, i was playing support most of the times because i was support captain in my team. did not flame anyone, apologized everyone for each of my mistakes tried to communicate with my team whole game, i was basicly a canadian. Not anymore tho most dota players does not deserve your support i literally lost my faith in humanity playing this game, i get a headach everytime i hear a russian in real life now. And now im a selfish mid only player. I'm not feeling guilty about it since i barely lose mid and win the game for my team most of the time.

    I want to talk about one of my match, i was playing arc mid as usual but suddenly one of my team player last picked invoker and tried to stole my mid from me, so it was classic double mid pub match. I raped enemy midder by myself but this invoker last hitted all 5 kills early game, he did not contribute, did not stun/tornado or anything, he just last hitted all 5 of them, and watched me die 2 times when he could easly save me. i left mid lane to gank other lanes coz my teammates needed help, but invoker sun striked all my guarenteed kills, stole 10 kills from me in total so i went to jungle in anger. Guess what, he sun striked neutral creeps to steal from me, but that wasnt enough. Sun strike cd was not enough to steal all nc from me so he started following me all game, i fed him so much kills that he had more damage than my 2 arc combined. Other team members failed horribly there was only ancient left, enemy team was attacking invoker while i was alive and my team REPORTED ME for not trying to save invoker. I got 5 reports from that game, one was from enemy midder who was salty that i rekt him, 3 of them were my teammates that did not see anything invoker did to me. They only saw that i did not help invoker who was already gonna die. last reporter is invoker himself

    I literally consider quitting this beaitiful game because of this community.




        if ppl bein rude bother u, spend some ime an find long term party partners, its easier than it seems.


          I dont play solo ranked for more than couple years thats why my solo mmr is stuck 3.6k. I only play this game with my real life friends now but most of the time only 3 of us are online so i always get random retards in some of my matches


            > 2016
            > still not playing perfect world


              ^ off topic


                > And now im a selfish mid only player.
                > I'm not feeling guilty about it
                > not feeling guilty
                > feeling guilty

                casual gamer

                  dota_chat_mute_all 1


                      i would also quit if i was 3k after 11 years of dota


                        Dota community was and will forever be better than LOL's. Lesbian community is just a bunch of retarded 13 year old's while Dota community is bunch of retarded 20 year olds. And 13 year olds are way more retarded, you can trust me on that one.


                          thats why they say lol is for boys, dota is for men

                          tier 3 items suck

                            ive laughed my ass off reading this


                              All MOBA community = retarded XD


                                Just play in stack with some friends from real life or add ppl you enjoyed playing with. Try some unranked games for bit of chill :-)

                                Recently I only play doto with friends on weekends and spend rest of my dota time watching pro games or playing some bot matches with heroes I wouldn't pick in real match


                                  whats worse this guy or benao 4k 13 years of dota

                                  Full Давай


                                    nice b8 m8


                                      Inb4 "this is my 3154th smurf"




                                        If even your party member reported you I think you deserved the reports.

                                        Full Давай


                                          but I'm genuine noob from hon :p


                                            I have few stories like that as well, as one boy said here its nice to play with your real friends in party or so than you have to not be worried about this, and when you call mid and someone going to be retard you all just report him, but you shouldn't leave the community couse those retards, im just 2k but even there i playing with nice ppl also good players its about each other be always nice, its the rule and keep on mind that and if someone being dick just told him in voice chat,i have enough man you reported and mute him....never try to convice those guys who come to game pre-angry or just in bad mode....


                                              And I'm a genuine MOBA noob without ANY experience about this genre at all who only had a guy with more play hour than his MMR teaching me some basic shit
                                              He's still stuck in that MMR because he's too busy fapping to korean dramas rn


                                                lol most of those comments prove my point about dota community being retarded

                                                hurr durr 11 years 3k hurr durr
                                                Army called one of my friends (every citizen at the age of 20 must serve at military for 1 year) other one is currently on vacation in greece and i recently quit my job at night club so i gave solo que a try this week after all these years
                                                last week reminded me of why i never play solo anymore, i calibrated solo mmr in 2013 and never played solo again ofc its stuck at 3k
                                                and i love guiding people. I trained at least 5 new players and played with them for a long time. I dont care if i lose mmr, im having fun playing my friends. I really dont know how you guys manage to play solo all ur lifes its so fucking BORING and TOXIC. anyway, dont worry this account will get stuck in 3.6k for another year
                                                im not saying im professional or 7k player, i dont have enough time for that, as you may notice from my activity tab, i stop playing dota for 3 months every summer, im a mixologist and i work at greek islands in summer because i earn 3x more than i earn here
                                                @blyatseeker @mushi not that one

                                                @Alice that game was not ranked it was pub

                                                @JDF8 how are we supposed to communicate if im gonna mute all of them lol?? thats not how you play dota
                                                .voker and i already muted eachother at 0 min anyway

                                                @CDEC.Passif sure 13 year olds are way more retarded but if you are still a retard at the age of 20 then there is something wrong, i dont want to be in the same game with those losers


                                                  So you raped mid with 18 deaths? Shit seems legit.


                                                    i didnt get drafted, they said im retarded


                                                      play dota 11 year ago still 3k
                                                      me play dota 2 year ago calibrate mmr at 2.2k now 5k


                                                        Where's the tl;dr
                                                        I'm all for Dotamasterrace. Can't stand league... err Riot games.


                                                          Someone cal the wambulance

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            then go play league stay there for 11 years and still be dogshit