General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you get the super toxic teammate after a winning streak?

Do you get the super toxic teammate after a winning streak? in General Discussion

    every time after a winning streak like 5 or 6 games, you will get super toxic and noob teammates that next game you play. I dont know if its me but i experienced this shit just too fking often.For example, an invoker shouting gg in chat screaming at ppl when he got ganked and many many more that i lazy to talk about.


      I've seen this too. Usually in these games, the other team also has 100, 150 more average mmr. This means that if you win you gain +30 mmr but if you loose you only loose -10 mmr.

      Try to win this games, they will give you a nice boost on your climb. However, dont feel too upset if you loose, cause you are only loosing -10 mmr.


        you don't, you're as likely to get toxic teammates regardless of win/loss streaks

        it depends on your own toxicity


          i won 80% of my game from 5,2k to 5,5k having all around positive teammates and then i got 5 games in a row with gameruiners and throwers. Idk might be coincidence it's defenetly not rare tho.

          beautiful despair

            Actually, ye. I have it though. After i started playing dota a lot, i found out that usually i win with kda 5-10 and it is easy win. But after 6-7 wins i get 3 losses with stupid gameruiners. Seems like a system.

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              Toxicity is dependant on you and others whether lose or win.

              However, after green days (a few win streaks and gaining around 300mmr) you will start getting retards, greifers and disconnecters laggers, or people that are from another country playing and throwing your game.

              I have tested this enough and was 3.7 a few days ago, and have been stuck on 3.4

              Make a rule for yourself and STICK TO IT.

              Mine is Lose Two solo ranked games, stop playing solo ranked. Play party ranked (and if you lose two of those in a row, stop), pubs or flat out play a different game for the rest of the day.

              Fine your mmr gaining pattern and stick to it.

              NOTE: below are some examples of the bullshit Valve pulls after you get win streaks. It is not even RNG, mmr match pairing is truly a scam.

              Here is a game me and my team were supposed to win. But no, we had to get a disconnector. Drow disconnected and ended up abandoning the match, and we lost because of it.

              * This match was lost because Luna kept afk farming and we were constantly pressured, and could have won fights had she been around.

              *This game TB tilted and kept being stupid and mindlessly fed the other team. He was complaining about not getting safe lane, or someone with him. Which he is right, HOWEVER he is in the wrong because he marked offlane before anyone marked anything, and he did not communicate or ask for help. Naturally, if someone marks a lane, you usually assume they know what they are doing. Well, this guy started not getting farm, and then tells me and pudge that one of us should have gone off with him around the 11 minute mark. Everyone else on the team told him what I am sharing with you guys here.

              *This game was where I had enough. I had enough of one player being the reason for the fate of 4 other players losing 25mmr. I was tilted and rage a bit in the beginning of the game, but then I relaxed a bit and said to myself "this time you are the cancer carry, you got this". Even when the Zeus disconnected. I would have reacted with an "Oh great. A-fucking-gain with this bullshit! Thanks for scamming me out of mmr, bullshitfrog." But picking a cancer hero that can do a lot late game helped. Plus this team was nice, and the Zeus came back 15 minutes later and just left and kindly said "I got the abandon, may as well leave so you guys can get more farm". Needless to say, he got commended, and this is where the tilt ends and the win streaks begin.

              tl;dr mmr pairing is a scam. If you win a lot, start taking a break after a 2-loss streak. Otherwise you will lose around 300 - 500 mmr.

              Jay the Bird

                Yes I do
                And it happened today


                  no you don't. you're just bad.



                    ♏mikeeCS ツ

                      How about this? I thought I really toxic


                        You will get more retards after you get green days
                        But that doesn't mean you can't win with them either


                          Murlon pls u just complained about your account getting cursed with always-cancer-teammates few weeks ago

                          Johnny Rico


                            Yes, after you get into that 10 winstreak you just get paired witha bunch of tards, that afk half the game, and say report bloodseeker noob, no rapira


                              Be a trash like me :)


                                Well after a lose streak i tend to get suddenly awesome teammates who will cooperate and carry me to victory despite my tilting.

                                Truth is this is your cognitive bias and poor judgement. Most ppl try to ascribe a meaning or pattern to nonexistent relationships. Don't be that guy. Win streak or not u r bound to meet toxic players every few games.

                                It is more likely that u ran out of luck after winning so much, play in a bracket u slightly do not deserve and piss ur team off

                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  It's not luck, the system is LITERALLY fixed to give you retards more often than usual after you have had some nice win streaks. The best thing to do during that time is play unranked or play another game for 12 - 48 hours so you get clean ranked match ups. Then it's all luck around there.


                                    U don't get retards after a win streak. U become hypersensitive to your experiences after a win streak. Have attribution biases and selective memory. U r slave to your own psychology and you don't even know it


                                      ^ Holy shit, I should have realized this sooner otherwise, I wouldn't had to lose so many games that dragged my win rate down to ~50%




                                          Dota is full of toxic kids and Russians, the chances of running into them is very high, no matter the circumstances.


                                            Meh I get toxic player while winning too. Last es game venom and SF fighting for mid.
                                            Just tell them to relax and play. It works
                                            Sometimes it doesn't then you should get more toxic. Like batshit crazy toxic. Then the game becomes retarded. And you probably lose


                                              Yh, I'm usually that toxic guy, no Kappa.


                                                It's guaranteed to happen at some point. Just mute the person and pretend they're a bot. Don't even let the thought of them come up after muting them because it will ruin your focus.