General Discussion

General DiscussionRegarding support

Regarding support in General Discussion

    What thing i should focus on when i'm supporting my fellow ns plebs?It's just sometimes all 4 of my team pick carry so i can't spam my slark.

    Johnny Salami

      Get used to playing with zero gold. Buy the courier. Upgrade the courier as soon as it's available. Buy all of the wards as they come in stock. Buy smokes as needed. And always have a tp scroll. Other than that it's all about game sense. Should I be stacking now? Should I be zoning? Is it time to rotate? Where should I ward, etc.


        Pick omni and keep your fellow ns plebs alive xD, but seriously though just play a roaming support like pudge,riki,bh. You would snowball ezly since I think in the ns bracket, people dont ward too often or buy detection.


          I'm only comfortable with dazzle and BH xD.And dont know bout item,should i buy force staff every game?


            I like to buy eul too,dodging stun like a boss


              Don't let this thread die fast lmao


                Most of the time you'll build force staff every game because nobody else will
                Just take note of other items that might come in handy in some situations like crimson, vlad, lotus orb, solar crust xd, etc


                  I would say force staff is almost a must. Euls i say for kiting ganking. Generally support item are euls glimmer lotus force ghost scepter mek arcane boots. Bh is op on ns cos a lot of kill(track). As bh i want to get mek ASAP then force/ghost scepter or both. The only game i went for force is when we need chasing escape and ganking. Mek is for heals


                    Or just spam slark like I how spammed void no matter what my team picks like 30 games in a row when I started playing lul


                      BH is very flexible, don't worry about the item builds as long as you don't go F U L L R E T A R D with dagon


                        I'm bored w slark lol,especially when we had a 5 core team.Literally farmfest haha.


                          When i'm playing dazzle and bounty im pretty much a walking hospital.And yea everytime i play BH i rush meka


                            Yesterday I had a chat with my classmate
                            "I never go bounty carry thats retarded and too gimmicky"
                            "Ya cuz ur too noob always fail carry XD"
                            He still couldn't get out of 1.5k with twice more play hour than me lul


                              I save a whole lot of people with early gg boots. Then i either go lotus(i want to try that item man), force, orchid if needed for the silence.


                                Lol he's the same like my friend spamming carry but nowhere near improving.Never play w him again,always blame others when he died while i literally spam "X hero is missing" lel


                                  ^^Never try lotus orb b4,is it worth?


                                    if u are supporting ns plebs ALWAYS BUY MIDAS IF U GET KILLS EARLY

                                    also lasthit everything that your carry misses

                                    lion is pretty easy and effective in NS so you can try that hero. with decent decision making you should go at least wicked sick.

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      "BH is very flexible, don't worry about the item builds as long as you don't go F U L L R E T A R D with dagon"

                                      you mean like this 1st bounty hunter in the world retard


                                        Dunno i think i might spam dazzle,BH and ogre rite now.Why midas anyway?For EXP?


                                          ^^Well maybe its situational i guess


                                            "BH is very flexible, don't worry about the item builds as long as you don't go F U L L R E T A R D with dagon"

                                            you mean like this 1st bounty hunter in the world retard

                                            you couldn't have said it better

                                            Why midas anyway?For EXP?

                                            yes for XP and also for reliable gold so you don't end up as a poor cuck by endgame but instead are normally itemized and can be highly effective in lategame fights.
                                            in example i sometimes play lion in 2-3k and if i get to snowball hard in the early game i end up with dagon 5 veil blink and something else (personal preference unsold midas for attack speed and rapier or aghs sheepstick if you're not hardcore enough for rapier)

                                            and even with bkb its hard to survive lion because he gets the jump first with blink-hex and bkb cannot be activated while hexed. just gotta pull the combo well enough: blink-hex-veil-spike-dagon/finger.


                                              in normal skill you can rush dagon on bounty hunter every game and win every game if you are good enough xD it's probably even better than non-dagon builds if you're new to bounty hunter


                                                if you dont like dagon bounty hunter you can check out the following situational items which are pretty good on him: mekanism, guardian grieves, scythe of vyse, orchid malevolence, rod of atos, solar crest, linkens sphere, desolator, diffusal blade.

                                                but trust me if you're experienced with dagon you will likely have great success building a dagon at least at some point in the normal skill game.

                                                also bounty rightclicker core is good good in normal skill for sure. go phase urn deso sny diffusal abyssal easy kills.


                                                  I was too lazy to explain when to buy dagon and when not to
                                                  Since the retards that play BH always buys dagon at the wrong time, I'd rather say don't get it than making you confused with so many items in your mind when playing bounty

                                                  pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                                    Tell him his bounty hunter is a disgrace, thank you.


                                                      well only reason i can think of to not buy dagon whatsoever is if you need lots of crowd control (so you buy orchid, sheep, abyssal, lotus, etc.) or you are building into rightclick so you build shit like deso mkb basher bfly etc.

                                                      however you are support and in high skill the game's usually over by the time you have greaves, blink dagger and something like hex and/or orchid. so you just dont get the opportunity to afford such a luxury item as dagon 5.


                                                        I only get dagon when i hv blink dagger,and i only get blink when my team r leading.Don,t know why i did that though


                                                          dagon bounty is fine


                                                            Btw when I play dazzle i always max Q first and E last,is it ok?


                                                              grave is last i think, healing either 1st (for the damage too) or 2nd


                                                                I dont know i feel like Q is too good for harassing the offlane and roaming thnx to the slow and DoT


                                                                  @great white nigga
                                                                  I'm not going to waste time talking to a delusional pleb like him
                                                                  "U never go carry bounty cuz u r noob always fail carry" lul


                                                                    dazzle q is a dogshit skill


                                                                      yea Q is really good but early on you can instagib Weaved heroes with your Shallow Wave if you get it right lmao i once oneshot a lc that was dueling other support like that was funny.

                                                                      @alice it's really good for kill secure. you use it on a fleeing enemy and if he doesn't get backup he's 90% dead


                                                                        plesae never post again


                                                                          Oh and how to counter mid bane.I don,t know anything about him except pressing a-click on a nightmared ally make u trade the sleep status so u can save them


                                                                            kitrak you mean me? xd

                                                                            pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                                                              Please never max heal bomb last, the cd reduction and heal increase is way too useful


                                                                                Kutrok pls y u so mien

                                                                                pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                                                                  @bws IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO SAVE AN ASSHOLE


                                                                                    bws you seem to hate ur classmates a lot

                                                                                    dw i hate mine too, glad they moved to league so now i wont have to worry of them being dogshit lul

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      what are classmates

                                                                                      are you guys 15


                                                                                        on topic

                                                                                        q is only really taken at one point because its great at rune fights

                                                                                        e and w takes priority, the only reason i would max q early is if im sure that no one on our team is gonna die anymore and even then id still max it after heal bomb


                                                                                          Lol haha


                                                                                            Thnx 4 advice.E works like echo slam rite

                                                                                            pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                                                                              Always focus on utility items as a bh, only go dagon when the damage is absolutely needed or when the game is already a sure win


                                                                                                @alice you can 2/0/3 or 3/0/2 i think it is okay if your teammates are not dieing and you are playing aggressive (dazzle isn't just a babysitter).

                                                                                                ^that i can agree with, just that the "damage is absolutely needed" applies quite often like if you need to kill a morphling or void in example (almost every game one of those heroes) however hex is probly better against them specifically


                                                                                                  Guardian greaves rush good rite?as bh


                                                                                                    Inb4 "go bek to studying u little shit" comments


                                                                                                      Any utility build is good
                                                                                                      You can go arcane urn force mek greaves or arcane urn mek greaves or arcane urn mek force greaves, it's all fine, just build in order what do you think the team needs most

                                                                                                      pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                                                                                        Idk how to explain this properly but the heal damages enemies within melee range of heal targets, so if 4 melee creeps are hitting an enemy hero, the enemy will get damaged four times the heal amount
