General Discussion

General Discussionanyone else have a increase in his/her commend rate after update

anyone else have a increase in his/her commend rate after update in General Discussion

    I had 34 commend before the update now i have 71. Sure i play a little better than before but I dont think thats the main reason.
    Is That happens to you or nah?


      Do commends really matter for u? Just kidding, they matter for me too


        i got 35 commends in 5 days playin on 1k acc


          about 1.5month ago i got 15-20 commends, now i got 70+


            Me around 175 now im very close to 300 :)) so ye many ppl do comends after match in menu

            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

              started with ~270 3 weeks ago, now close to 400, idk

              and every conduct summary shows me 2 commends somehow

              Dune, the Desert Planet

                Had like 70 or 80 before the update and now I have 214.

                Dune, the Desert Planet

                  I have also started commending people more.


                    Commends have been bugged since pitlord was released, or since new post-match UI came out. Maybe it came out at same time?

                    Anyways, in-game you receive 1 commend. Post-match commend button gives 4. Bugged.

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      It doesn't give 4. It gives one but updates once you get 4 commends. At least that's how it seems to me.


                        Nah man, one commend in the post-screen gives 4 commends. Every time someone says "commend (me)" and I reboot dota, I have 4 more commends.

                        Sometimes I'll get 1 commend in-game and it updates with one commend. So it's definitely bugged.


                          I guess soy el is right. Cus i had like 50 commends before a match and after that when i restared dota, it was 71. Its defently bugged


                            It's definitely bugged
                            I miss the times when commends were seperated and hard to get

                            CLEETUS McFarland

                              Since the Underlord patch, there is no limits to how many u can give.
                              Free commends to everyone!