General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to throw efficiently?

How to throw efficiently? in General Discussion

    ^ title, is using np and tpying to the enemy's fountain the most efficient way to throw? need some interesting ideas.


      bottle rushing for the enemy mid
      Wisp relocating team mates into trees

      buttttt, don't be a dick.
      i save these ones for special occasions


        damn completely forgotten bout the bottle idea, will apply on next throw. Thanks!
        (i throw when i want to lower my mmr here and if my mid is taken coincidentally)


          TPing to enemy fountain is not an efficient strategy, because the enemies are not benefitting from your death. You should tp to their safelane / midlane instead, and drop some wards / consummable too.

          doc joferlyn simp

            get mid, farm well rekt enemy low mmr mid

            give your teammates false hope of +25

            spend all your money on consumables, give that to mid

            run safelane, let yourself get killed by the carry

            distribute obs and sents. give tps to enemies

            take all the farm you can

            try to send cour to enemies, makes it so that someone from your team has to devote time to using the courier again

            reveal teammate's positions when they try to gank, tell enemies when teammates try to rosh

            just be as big a dick as you can


              ^ why would i throw when i have mid lmfao, i only throw when i give them warnings and they still wont abide giving me mid that's when the throw starts lmfao

              doc joferlyn simp

                i thought you were throwing just because you want to

                in that case take safelane with greedy hero with farm steroid like am or luna, outlasthit everyone in the game, then do the steps

                very good csgo player

                  Lol fucking 2k Mmr shitlord feeding and throwing If he doesn't get mid. If you wanna cry and whine go use a tissue not the dotabuff forums

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    ^i lol'ed


                      @SenorChang you must be new here lmfao


                        nah Haf i throw when i want to lower my mmr and also if the game happens to be a game where someone takes my mid, i'd actually have a reason to throw since throwing without reason is assholeish lmfao

                        very good csgo player

                          You really shouldn't throw based on the fact that someone took your mid. Just typing that out makes it sound so childish. Like hey mom (insert brother's name) stole my mid. So now I'm gonna bitch and ruin his day

                          Flaccid Jake

                            Just pick AM and play like a typical 3k. Make sure you starve your team on farm so your the highest net worth and split push until they kill you.


                              Waaah i dont get mid so i throw
                              Please man, if you stop being an arrogant prick who wants everything served on a silver plate you might actually get higher MMR
                              I've been through shit tons of support games as a support where I carried the carry wannabes' asses, and I doubt I would've won those games if I pick my best role (pos 1) and go "fek u i cum to carry i feed if u no giv sAflan"


                                Yo Von u stopped toggling?


                                  bws idk if you are being sarcastic or not but please do check my other aliases to know who am i lul.

                                  very good csgo player

                                    I would rather have a passive bot on my team than your toxic ass

                                    very good csgo player

                                      Oh lol you that chaos knight trash that says he has a 5k account. LOL


                                        if you haven't had any idea by now im actually in this account for the shits and giggles, im laughing.

                                        very good csgo player

                                          Lul show me your 5k account
                                          Send link

                                          Kill yourself in the name...

                                            Noobs who throws the game by not helping alies then the noob that isnt getting any help throws and kill steals then the cycle continues "lifestealer has a dagon me too and hes an antimage".


                                              Are you satisfied? now piss off pissant.


                                                You baited me
                                                Stop changing profile names and pics in the same time omg
                                                Fucking haffy syndrome


                                                  bws :v its about time my fav character in opm makes an appearance here lmfao


                                                    Pick riki
                                                    Don't take invis
                                                    Rush dagon lvl 5
                                                    Buy rapira


                                                      I fucking hope you're a shitty CS player


                                                        max stats and blink strike for max effectiveness 4head


                                                          sadly i only play dotes on steam rip

                                                          very good csgo player

                                                            Lol why the fuck you 2k on this tho. Seriously I'm not blowing my own trumpet but normal skill games are.... Mmmm how do you even lose a game at 2k unless you are constantly giggling and shitting around. Change your name to Drive knight within 1 hour then I'll believe that you actually 5k


                                                              cause this account happens to be a shared account?

                                                              very good csgo player



                                                                  i got more accounts if you actually want to go so deep into questioning my actual skill, really dk why do i even bother replying you seeing you are an unranked spammer with 0 vhs ranked games.


                                                                    i can imagine 2k midd player :D


                                                                      @Anus i can feel the salty all caps rage from my last game as np , so freshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

                                                                      I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                        check my kotl games.


                                                                          ^ you actually feed too little tbh, do you just buy them supplies and shit and avoid dying? lmfao

                                                                          I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                            1. start game buy courier, sell it after 10 secsonds so no one can buy it until it restocks(keep doing this)
                                                                            2. start 4 clarities
                                                                            3. have autoclicker, steal bounty rune and go mid
                                                                            4. get 6 min dagger and level 6
                                                                            5. cliff people with no blinks
                                                                            6. wait 6 min for someone to get abandon for inactivity
                                                                            6a. push out waves so enemy doesnt reach the cliff you have your teammates in
                                                                            6b. recall teammates with no qb/tangoes to the corners of the map where its even more secluded and unlikely to be found by anyone
                                                                            6c. have autoclicker suicide courier bringing tps


                                                                              WOW thats really creative lmfao but what if they buy tp? just mess with courier?


                                                                                im gonna try it now since some pissant ''pissed'' me off rn lmfao

                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                  what runs through these individuals heads when they pick pos 1 as rock bottom mmr and make utterly braindead decisions all game is beyond me frankly

                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    round 2 xdxdxd

                                                                                    these people need lpq or something honestly

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      besides absolutely wrecking kids and testing out weird builds, zer0 helps me in 2k mmr matches. he kinda like my mentor or some shit. there should be more people but they cant play as of yet. so he gives to the community as much as he takes from it. dont see anything unusual here lmfao

                                                                                      and bws you self-righteous man hahahahahaha


                                                                                        He fucking baited me like how a 5k is supposed to shit on 1k in everything
                                                                                        Stop changing pics pls


                                                                                          If someone starts throwing i instantly report that put on my tryhard panties and buy rapier.


                                                                                            I want to play dota so bad. But daddy said no.


                                                                                              check aliases next time ay lmao


                                                                                                man i got lp from the np throw yesterday :/


                                                                                                  Subtle Throws are the best. For example, using oracle to heal the enemy, using E to ensure that ur teammate dies. Using ww E and R to slow your teams aggression.

                                                                                                  Although, u really shouldn't throw even if u have some beef. It's kinda immature.


                                                                                                    Jacked, lul