General Discussion

General DiscussionIs watching miracle play improve ur game fast?

Is watching miracle play improve ur game fast? in General Discussion

    Miracle the 9k God

    doc joferlyn simp


      it will take you very long to identify and study his mentality, an even longer time for you to implement it

      and his mentality wont even work in lower brackets because his situation and yours is too far to be compared


        I want to get out of NS

        doc joferlyn simp

          start with bsj

          he gon tell you to pull at :53


            It's insanely hard gor me to understand 8k+ players

            I dont think an NS Player can come close to understanding a 9k player


              I don't know about Miracle but if you want to become a better AM player watch Madara games, that guy is probably the best pub AM I think.


                Lul probably I can watch but I can't follow lmao


                  BSJ is great,i've known a lot carry tips by watching his vid


                    watch only brothers on youtube midashim justwantplayagame and enjoy


                      Watch rtz stream and read twitch chat, sure you'll learn a lot. xD


                        RTZ streams are the best
                        Money over Bitches

                        Vem Comigo

                          No he will just drag you down


                            pointless to try to think what they are doing. maybe little things to improve efficiency, but overall, pointless

                            -Wanna Be-

                              what NS means?

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                ns means normal skill


                                  Obviously NS is night stalker


                                    Well in my case i learned a lot from watching pro players in general not just miracle. Btw don't watch highlights you won't learn anything from highlights go watch the full game in player perspective


                                      rtz>miracle anyday no kappa


                                        MATUMBAMAN is 9k too. Watching pro matches on player prespective is helpful. Atleast for me.
                                        Also CLQ is great. I learned a lot from him.