General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
D the Superior

      Duck my sick





          Don't worry, if it feels any better I'm losing as well.


            That's what u get for spamming lycan u cuck


              That's what u get for spamming techies.


                dont worry. there is no lose streak that i cant get over

                i just have to BELIEVE! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!


                  im going to go on a journey for soul searching


                    Alice's character development progressing better when playing a videogame than going to school. lmao


                      Alice best grill


                        Playing with my friends who introduced me to Dota 2 while playing Slardar pos 5 and still contributing much to the win with wards, dusts, and smokes, ganking lanes, and taking no last hits from Ember while maintaining my farm with Bounty Runes.

                        They think I am a god now. ez pz lmn sqzy


                          im still lucky that despite this lose streak i only lost 100 mmr


                            WAOW rip zid io


                              LYCAN IS THE NEW FURION

                              DODGE MY LYCAN

                              2k indog monkey

                                Lycan is the new lycan

                                2k indog monkey

                                  You should stop trying to spam heroes that you haven't mastered
                                  Lycan is NOT wraith king
                                  Lycan is NOT phantom assassin
                                  Lycan is NOT phantom riki

                                  2k indog monkey

                                    I need to feed 3 more games before I can destroy scrubs without having to worry about getting VHS skill smurfs as opponent


                                      I am awake

                                      2k indog monkey

                                        Yo apoo help me feed 3 games efficiently
                                        My teammates keeps tryharding and the enemy keeps throwing that the game always drags to 30+ minutes

                                        2k indog monkey

                                          I'm sure the bracket is below 500 already since people buys boots first item, 3 man mid all the time, nobody pushes, and farm is NON EXISTENT
                                          I mean NON EXISTENT, not OCCASIONAL like in your bracket


                                            Uh best way to guarantee losses in a smurf is to flame your team,walk into their fountain and then fedd cpuriers evev then there is a chance
                                            That you will win


                                              Im so sad. Went to a party and spent at least half the time staring at the asses of all the short cute white waitresses and knowing that i am in no position to eat said ass.

                                              2k indog monkey

                                                I know how to lose 100%
                                                But one feeder is not enough to make the enemy team win the game in under 20 minutes
                                                Especially in 200 hidden mmr bracket where it's filled by people who don't even know how to type 20 words per minute

                                                2k indog monkey

                                                  I can't stop laughing to that bounty
                                                  Dunning-Kruger so strong


                                                    Manta blademail well played


                                                      I feel like this thread is ignoring me now


                                                        IM BETTER THAN ZERO AT SUPPORTING


                                                          Im gonna go masturbate in sadness

                                                          2k indog monkey

                                                            Nah man
                                                            I just don't know what to reply
                                                            Call me an idiot, bigot, or whatever but I'm strictly against fucking before marriage and shit
                                                            Being a religious person is one of the reason, but it's not the biggest, I disgust narrow-minded thinking of having fun while not thinking about the consequences
                                                            The risk of fucking is TOO BIG for me
                                                            Hell no

                                                            2k indog monkey

                                                              Well at least fapping won't risk you getting HIV or a baby


                                                                I just want some ass dog. Im not going down to the fucking wh0re house or some shit, just break out a condom dude.


                                                                  Im actually loling so hard cuz the "2k indog monkey" is religous

                                                                  2k indog monkey

                                                                    I pray to the monkey king
                                                                    Jk I'm Christian


                                                                      How do u just get brown boots and Vlad's on a PA in 30 mins?

                                                                      2k indog monkey

                                                                        By playing normally by PA spammers' standard
                                                                        Don't you ever talk about PA again you ruined my PA winrate after all


                                                                          Actually PA spammers are pretty good, since they just use 1 hero and therefore is relatively proficient at her. They are just delusional cucks who think the team is holding them back. I think every hero spammer is true to this.


                                                                            Those that get Brown Boots and Vlad's by 30 mins are those who just saw a pro use the hero and try to recreate the awesome game which they played. As always, they failed.


                                                                              real spammers win even if their team is holding them back cuz they know their hero really really well


                                                                                i should prob stop playing lycan tho

                                                                                i am aware tharmy improvement rate is as slow as the snail in jacked's profile

                                                                                by the time i learn lycan hes already nerfed ROFL


                                                                                  Lycan really solid though. In 2 of my solo games a Lycan carried the game while jungling, both enemy and teammate.

                                                                                  2k indog monkey

                                                                                    Jungling as lycan efficiently is hard

                                                                                    2k indog monkey

                                                                                      If you're a snail, then I'm a turtle


                                                                                        lmao If it was pre-7.00 then yes it would be hard. But with the addition of shrines (basically a fountain) AND a guaranteed source of income + exp with the bounty runes you can easily blow up and take towers while the 3ks are killing each other. However manfighting Lycan hurts as well.


                                                                                          can i join 4k race now?


                                                                                            If you guys are snails and turtles then I am stationary


                                                                                              Ur wrong i am moving backwards

                                                                                              2k indog monkey

                                                                                                No daddy you went backwards and fell into a valley

                                                                                                pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                                                  Tinker is quite good this patch

                                                                                                  2k indog monkey

                                                                                                    Apoo how can you last hit comfortably with your hero at the fucking edge of the camera

                                                                                                    2k indog monkey

                                                                                                      Also you spin around trying to find kills WAY TOO MUCH like a typical 1k retard