General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion


      Worst case scenario they won't even treat you as their son anymore

      The Medic Guy

        is it the kondom bocor? really?


          Stay strong man


            The condom pecah xD


              They wouldnt do that bws.


                When I was younger mum and dad would beat me with a belt, slippers, and my fondest memory, a walis ting-ting (as we call it here and I don't know what it is called).

                The individual strands, when pulled out, stung like a bitch.


                  Durex scamming kids since 1969


                    Carry on my wayward son
                    There'll be peace you are done
                    Lay you weary head to rest
                    Don't you cry no more
                    this lyrics are playing on my head rn


                      Wow I've forgotten how good roasting children could be.


                        I still have scars from the last time my dad wipped me with his belt and that was like 6years ago


                          The Medic Guy

                            my father do hit me with his belt when i was child
                            so many times, until one day when he beat me again, i just can't feel the paint anymore.
                            well he beat me because my fault, basic/simple fault that children gonna do.


                              Not sure if Haffy is having a superiority complex because he's now 4k or he's genuinely triggered


                                Spare the rod, spoil the child.


                                  Ci isana gatowo
                                  Narabe te aruita
                                  Nandemo nai kotorebanai ai

                                  Koete,yumewo mitsumeteita


                                    Orange lmao


                                      dafuq am I going to say when we talk man to man.

                                      The Medic Guy

                                        80% of my childhood times are fucked up, that's why i go to psychology degree, i want to be A child psychologist, so i can tell the adult how to raise kid properly without abuse, so no child you ever feel what i am feel, but my collage are fucked up too, i think i will keep stick with my shaolin plan.


                                          I am fucking triggered now to be honest. I can't get why someone can be so dumb.

                                          Also this isn't my main lmao, I'm sticking with the 2k one. That account is just muted though so I'm using this one to chat.


                                            Whenever my mum spanked me at the first spank I would shout incessantly and pretend I was so hurt. I would clutch my thigh, whimpering to the point of crying, after which she would leave me, feeling bad about herself or feeling sorry for me.

                                            Either way I got away ez.


                                              Im waiting for his next response XDDDD.


                                                I would roast that kid with my 2k account the same way I am roasting him now.


                                                  To be honest, I do see his point, and I do agree with him
                                                  Although he's trying to say it in one of the most retarded way by babyraging about muslims and shit


                                                    @redemption, that's actually a quite decent plan, as long its what you want and you see yourself enjoying it, go for it man.
                                                    @haffy, rolf, the worst beating I got was when I came home drunk, My siblings told me dad got mad, and knocked me out, but thank God I was to drunk too feel it at that time. Woke up with a blackeye


                                                      Kimi ga inaito
                                                      Hontoni,tai otsumade
                                                      Zamishitori rebawarawarete shimeru kedo


                                                        Why you gotta be so mean bruh. Cut the kid some slack. He gonna call his parents if things go to far


                                                          Yea for sure being a lawyer would do for you


                                                            Shaolin plan into Hollywood stardom SeemsGood.

                                                            Bws I also agree with him, regarding attitude. What I don't agree with is how he portrays other people and how he thinks he is free to do it because it is his "free right".


                                                              i like how he changed the topics name to "the fight between two retarded person"


                                                                Fuck off you dumb weeb piece of shit go kys


                                                                  Sad thing is
                                                                  There are way more dumbfucks that are even worse in the country than him


                                                                    Man when I was 12~ or something I would play AQWorlds. I had a lot of skins so I would act like an older guy. I got into a fight with some powerful people about letting children play AQW, and something I said made the moderators there ban my account.


                                                                    HAHA BANNED UP UNTIL NOW


                                                                      Renshin still plays AQ


                                                                        Yeah that 3D thing. I never took a liking to it.


                                                                          The new one, Played it for the nostalgia, but it gets too grindy


                                                                            Lmao what is taht gaem


                                                                              Well at least you didn't get banned in a video game for credit card chargeback worth of 500$ like me xd


                                                                                Bryant isn't that worthy of jail time or conviction?


                                                                                  I only played AQ for a few hours
                                                                                  Got bored of it quickly


                                                                                    Bryant Weilson Sugiarto: Convicted Felon


                                                                                      The chargeback saved my life from that, luckily


                                                                                        Which game btw? Please tell the story, seems interesting.


                                                                                          Spiral Knights
                                                                                          You probably noticed the 2k hours I have on my actual main (lul vac)
                                                                                          At hour 700 I stole my grandmothers' credit card and used like 100$ for crystal energies (like gems in mobile phone games, but more attainable), got greedy and used alot, got noticed and my grandmother charged it back
                                                                                          I tried to make a ban appeal but the admins were like "m8 fuck u u lost us 500 bux"


                                                                                            LETS EDIT THIS SHIT 2OP

                                                                                            daddy u actually motivated me to try and theorycraft a new hero idea

                                                                                            since i have so much free time, i managed to theorycraft a theif character LOL

                                                                                            presenting a (shitty) hero idea, <insert cool name> Thief!

                                                                                            he's an agility melee hero of course, what else can a thief character be?! but the thing is, he's unarmed! except for his magical gloves used for stealing special stuff. well for the spells:

                                                                                            Q - Steal Weapon
                                                                                            Thief attempts to steals the target's weapon, disarming him/her and temporarily gaining their attack range and base damage on a successful theft. Gains Confidence for every successful theft, but loses Confidence for every failed theft.
                                                                                            Disarm Duration: 4/5/6/7
                                                                                            Buff Duration: 6/8/10/12
                                                                                            Manacost: 50
                                                                                            Cast Range: 150 (melee)
                                                                                            Chance: 35%/40%/45%/50%
                                                                                            Cooldown: 21/18/15/12

                                                                                            W - Faulty Warp
                                                                                            Thief warps in a short distance, dealing magical damage around the area upon landing. After a short time, Thief goes back to the point he Warped from. Memory Theft's channeling is not cancelled by this ability's send back (cancels upon usage obviously)
                                                                                            Distance: 700/700/800/800
                                                                                            Damage: 80/160/240/320
                                                                                            AoE: 300
                                                                                            Manacost: 80/70/60/50
                                                                                            Cooldown: 12/11/10/9
                                                                                            Send Back Delay: 2 seconds

                                                                                            E - Confidence
                                                                                            Gains permanent bonus damage and movement/attack speed stacks for every successful theft done with Steal Weapon and Memory Theft but lose stacks for every failed one. Also increases Steal Weapon's theft rate.
                                                                                            Bonus Damage: 10 per stack
                                                                                            Bonus Attack Speed: 10 per stack
                                                                                            Bonus Movement Speed: 2% per stack
                                                                                            Stack limit: 25
                                                                                            Theft rate increase: 5% per level

                                                                                            R - Memory Theft
                                                                                            !CHANNELING! Steals a target's memories, stunning them during the duration while taking their experience and gold obtained based on how long you channeled. Cannot de-level enemies. Only counts stacks for Confidence if fully channeled. Pierces spell immunity.
                                                                                            Channeling time: 4/5/6 seconds
                                                                                            Experience Drain Rate: 150/185/235
                                                                                            Gold Drain Rate: 150/250/350
                                                                                            Cast Range: 550
                                                                                            Manacost: 200
                                                                                            Cooldown: 160/120/80
                                                                                            (honestly this skill is hard to balance)

                                                                                            Of course i already prepared an ahhs upgrade

                                                                                            Aghanim's Upgrade - Steal Weapon and Memory Theft
                                                                                            Steal weapon can now temporarily steal a target's random item, muting it from their inventory while Thief gains its abilities. Has 100% steal chance, but has no interactions with Confidence (you can't gain stacks if you just stole an item)
                                                                                            Memory Theft can now steal the target's buyback if fully channeled. (honestly i wanted him to steal one random spell but we alr have rubick for that)

                                                                                            idk about talents seems iffy


                                                                                              HAHAHAHAHA good shit solid 5/7.

                                                                                              $500 though, that's like P22500 in our currency in the Philippines. Perhaps even more so since the value of the peso vs dollar lessened a lot more. lmao

                                                                                              D the Superior

                                                                                                  Basically I continued with non-steam account, got found out by admins, repeat until 3x
                                                                                                  I quitted because the game was fucked by a huge gameplay change and I lost motivation to grind because all my friend stopped playing (including all the Indonesian friends in the guild i made, "Ikan Bakar Cianjur" and changed name to "Indo", they were so active and fun to hang out with) :(


                                                                                                    What a hero SeemsGood


                                                                                                      What if you try to steal a weapon while you still have one on? Cooldown is lower than duration lmao. Also interaction with BKB?

                                                                                                      Weapon theft seems broken any carry without Linken's Sphere is disarmed forever, huehue.